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<No one's Pov>

Everyone, and if I say everyone I mean EVERYONE, including the servants were staring at the panicked Hunter who was sitting on the Prince of Death's lap.

Suddenly ink raised up from his seat with widen eye sockets.
"Geno what did you mean by that. "

Reaper stared down at Geno noticing the small hunter panicking while sweating a lot. He seemed in shock.

Ink kept shouting questions at the poor soul who couldn't even move.

"INK THAT'S ENOUGH. DON'T YOU SEE HE'S IN SHOCK?! Keep your questions for later. "

ink quickly shut his mouth and sat back down on his Rightful place. Which was the Place where Gradient used to sit.

Reaper clapped his hands as the rabbit maid Husogi quickly came over in an instant.
"How may I help you my Lord? "

Husogi glanced at the panicked hunter and she sighed, instantly understanding what to do as she gently picked up the small hunter.

She quickly carried him out of the Royal dinning room, quickly shutting the doors behind her.
She was making her way to the Prince's chambers.

Once she entered the chambers she instantly placed the poor panicked mortal onto the Prince's bad before rushing to the bathroom for a towel as she soaked it into cold water.

She returned to the frozen mortal and gently pushed the cold water soaked towel against his forehead making him snap out quickly.

"H-huh?.. Husogi?.. Where.."
"I was requested to carry you here to Prince's chambers to calm you down from your shock. "

"O-oh.. Alright.. "
"Maybe you should sleep some more-"

Geno suddenly shouted at Husogi starting to shake again. Husogi could only sigh and nod at Geno.
"Well.. Alright, you just rest up. I have to return to my chores. "

"A-and where's.. Reaper? "
"He's still in the meeting but he should come and check on you once the meeting is dismissed. "

"Alright.. "
Geno sighed as he hugged his legs, he quickly moves in the middle of the bed bored as Husogi left and turned the lights off.

. . . .

<Geno's Pov>

I was lying down in the middle of the king sized bed that belonged to the Prince of death boredly.
I was finally calmed down from the panic attack I had because of that weird nightmare..

I slowly sat up while thinking about the nightmare.. It was strange.
But the weirdest thing of all was the fact that a pair of white wings were burried in the small hill where the special Fenix flower was on top of.

I wish I could investigate more. But I doubt anyone will let me go to the cave with Fenix flowers... Plus The others don't even know about the fact I even VISITED that place.

It should probably stay that way..i doubt husogi wants anymore problems then she already has.

...Suddenly the room became extremely dark. All the candles were blown out and the room started to feel really cold..

I quickly backed away into the wall, confused as i started shaking from the sudden cold that was going through his bones.

I blinked a few times as my vision started getting blurry.. My breathing slowed down as I tried to warm myself with the blankets.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now