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<no one's pov>

Reaper felt a bit off as he looked around looking for ink and pallete.
He walked through the crowd looking for the two before walking casually behind the curtains in the back to find Paper jam with Ink.

"Uhm hey ink? "
Asked the prince of death as the small retired king turned his attention to the tall prince.
"Yes reaper? How may I help? -"

Reaper approached the small retired king with confusion about where might his other son be.
"Where have you left pallete? -"
Asked reaper in confusion and curiosity.

"Oh? With Geno of course! "
Said the small king with a wide happy smile without realizing the disaster he just caused.

There was a long silence between the two while the retired king held his smile wide full of happiness as the silence passed.
The smile quickly faded off the small King's face as he realized what he had done.

"Oh shit.. "

"Yeah oh shit. "

Both reaper and the small retired king quickly excused themselves from paper jam as they ran out from the back out to the main Hall. There were so many people that reaper had to fly up off the ground to look form the top to look down and search for the hunter with the small prince.

"I see them! " said reaper as he pointed to the hunter leaving with the small prince through the door quickly.

He and the retired king quickly went the way the two have gone.

They search around the area as they realized they have lost them.
Reaper makes a mad sort of chirp noises lol
Before turning to the small king
"Why did you left him with Geno! You know we can't leave him alone with a CHILD, that has the power to open a portal! "

"I'm sorry okay!  Why does it even matter so much that you need to find them? "

The Prince crossed his arms together as his raised his none existing eye brow at ink who just stared at him confused, this bitch forgets everything I swear.
"The Fenix flowers. "

"Ohhhh right sorry I forgot. "

"I'm not surprised you did. "

/somewhere else. /

Fatal was now dragging forcefully the small prince who was helping in pain.
"Stop whining kid."
"You're hurting me! "
"So what? Stop whining. "

Pallete was crying out in pain from how hard was fatal pulling on his arm.
Pallete's arm was hurting so much he could barely take it, he wasn't even fighting back cuz it hurt like hell.

Fatal was dragging the poor prince outside before running off behind the building into the small forest surrounding it.

He pushed the kid onto the ground forcefully which got the small prince crying more and helping but at least he wasn't pulling the poor child's arm anymore.

"What do you want from me fatal! I have nothing you would need."
"Well first your daddy asked me to watch over you didn't he? Plus.. You can open a portal to a certain place. "

"The Fenix flower cave.. "
"Good.. You're catching on.. "
"I'm not opening the portal for you! You.. You bastard! "

Said the small child angrily before summoning a few born attacks and point them at fatal, pallete then let the attacks go after him as fatal dogged them all.

This got fatal furious.  He grabbed the child's arm as hard as one could before pulling it roughtly while a loud crack could be heard. ..

There was a quick silence between the two before pallete started crying out in agony. The pain was awful the worst he has ever felt in his short life.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now