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<Geno's POV>

I was now Entering the Magical Forest where those winged Raven creatures lived.

i was on my beautiful arabian Called Whitehoves.
right when we entered the forest she started acting slightly weird..it was like something was scaring her.

Not going to lie i was slightly scared too..it wasn't first time for me hunting one of those alone..but it was my first time having no back up if something happend.

it was weird but sadly i knew that i was supposed to be a bait..but for what, if there was no backup?

it was all really weird and all..but i have to focus. Afterall king still believes in me to bring back the creature's Wings.

i have to do this..i have to be strong..

i sighed while my body trumbled..my horse was slightly panicking but was still moving foward.
i reached my hand out to pat her mane to calm her down..

"shh..WhiteHoves its okay..it will be fine..just move foward."

Whitehoves seemed to calm down a bit but not entirely.
i sighed, welp..we have to do it..

I walked with Whitehoves around a bit. This part of territory was actually new to me..i was never here before..so basically i had no idea where i was going.

i sighed before stopping Whitehoves as i quickly got off her.

"i gotta put traps around.. WhiteHoves stay here my girl"

i gently brushed her mane before taking the lasso and putting around the tree to keep her still in place.

i took the bag i had on whitehoves.

i put the bag on the ground and pulled out some stuff for the traps.

i took some lassos and metal traps.

i took my bow and arrows and put them on my back before walking a bit around but not too far.

i went over to some trees placing the traps around and hiding them under some leafs.

i looked around for a bit and walked to another tree and started putting down one trap before i heard some noises in the bushes around me which startled me.

i stood up quickly. Looking around for anything or anyone unusual.

no one was there..weird. but i didn't think much of it.
So i just went back to work.

there were more noises but i tried to ignore it.
suddenly there was a loud crack behind me which made me shoot up take out my bow and arrow and point at the thing behind me.

I stared in shock as my hands started to shake while i was pointing the arrow at the winged raven.

He looked..like a skeleton. He was very short..
Had a long brown scarf..he also had two mismatched eye lights and had a splash mark on his right cheek..
but mostly impirtantly.

He had

Two Big beautiful rainbow wings behind his back.

"u-uhm..d-do you mind putting the b-bow down? Haha..-"

"d-don't move you raven winged c-creature!"

i held the bow while my hands were shaking and he slightly walked closer trying to calm me down whil i stepped back

"h-hey c-calm down!- i-i won't hurt you i just wan-"
I pulled the trigger.
the arrow shot.

and went right through his rainbow wing.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now