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<Paper Jam's Pov>

I walked inside the Royal dinning room with Dream Following right beside me. I didn't care where Gradient was. If he was behind me or still in his chambers. He would have to come down eventually.

And when he does so his secret interests won't be so secret anymore.

Cuz I'm sick of him going around and forcing poor servants into sex with him.
This kind of behavior is not suited enough for a king like himself.

I wasn't able to do shit about this behavior when it happened in our king. But now that it happened in a different one.. It was the perfect opportunity to make others realize what Gradient really is.

I wish ink was here as well to see what this Bitch did to those poor Ravens.
I bet that if he would saw what Gradient did he would regret for having him as his son.

I sighed as I noticed Nightmare and Cross with Reaper already being seated in their seats while eating their breakfast.

This will be the best opportunity. I also still feel bad for whoever ended up to be Gradient's victim.

I sighed before going over to my seat as the food was carried to me right away.
I took the fork and started eating my bacon with Eggs.
It was quite delicious. Simple, but delicious.
I smiled before taking the glass full of tea and taking a sip. Peach tea. Sweet.

I looked at the other side right at Dream before we heard the door open.
Both of us looked over at the door.
Gradient has entered the dinning room
Both me and dream grinned.

He went to sit beside me on his seat. He was sweating, well he has a reason to.
I looked at him as he avoided my gaze quickly after. Not so tough now are we?

He started eating his breakfast shaking when it was given to him on the table.

I looked around while eating my breakfast calmly noticing Reaper being a bit Tensed and not chill at all like normally.

Suddenly a deep voice spoke.
"So. May I ask which one of you bastards were so loud in the middle of the night untill 3 am? "

All of us looked over at no other then Nightmare who had an annoyed expression. His Husband Cross looked extremely tired as if he didn't sleep.

Everyone was quiet just staring at him.

"Alright then I will ask differently.. WHICH ONE OF YOU WERE HAVING SEX IN YOUR CHAMBERS. My husband wasn't able to get a single drop of sleep! And the hallways were filled with negativity. "

"Yes brother now that you're mentioning it.. The hallway seemed a bit overly filled with negative emotions. "

"So tell me who was it. I know that it wasnt Reaper for 100% because this guy won't ever find himself a bride at all so who did it. "

Everyone then suddenly turned their attention over to me and Gradient. I swallowed and glanced at Gradient who shook his head not to spill the secret. I grinned and took a deep breath.

"Well. Now that we're talking about it.. Might have an answer for you. "

I noticed reaper staring at me with an angry expression. He probably had already figured it out.
Then suddenly Cross spoke
"Then say it already. "

"It was Gradient. " points over at my older brother who got angry at me halfway spilling the secret.
Then as well Reaper spoke up.

"Gradient I do not appreciate you having sex with anyone in my castle. And definitely not if it's forced. "

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now