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<Geno's Pov>

It was dark. Really dark. I didn't know where I was.. I didn't remember what happened, I couldn't move.. Where was I..?

Suddenly I woke up, I was in a dark room, it was actually a really big fancy looking one..
The walls were covered in black with black roses growing around on the pillars and side of the bed..
I was confused why I was here.. I needed to rethink and remember what happend.

I thought about it for a few minutes and then it hit me. The black winged Raven with his guard were in the cell where I was. And then I don't remember anything else..

I also remembered something else as well as I quickly grab and pull the blanket on me aside and stare at my leg... It was all healed up?.. Like it was never broken or hurt..

"That's strange.. I swear I recall the black winged one stepping on my leg and breaking it.."

I was really confused as I sit up on the bed and slowly stand up, it still hurts a bit but was mostly fine.. I also noticed that I was changed into some oversized clothing..

I sighed and didn't think much of it. The most important thing I was thinking about was how to escape from this place.
I tried to run to the window and lift it up. I successfully opened it up but only then I noticed how high I was.. It gave me chills.
I backed up and fell onto the floor as the door suddenly opened.

A Female Raven.. Came in a white maid uniform, she was also carrying some clothing in her hands, her wing also looked damaged.. Probably wasn't able to fly anymore with that injury.. But what can I know.
She was probably a servant here.

"Your majesty prince Death requested me to bring you those clothes. He's awaiting you in the throne room. And please, hurry. Prince death doesn't like waiting. "

Was all the female Raven said as she placed the new looking clothing on the bed before leaving and closing the door.

"Tsk.. Does she really think I will go to that bastard? No way.. "
I thought a bit before standing up and going over to the clothing placed on the bed..

I took a look at the clothing a bit.. It seemed like some kind of uniform.. For a servant.
No way I'm putting those on.
But on the other hand.. I don't know where my own clothes are.. So might as well put them on..

I slipped off the oversized sleeping clothes and took the white shirt, putting it on perfectly. Taking the pants next and putting them on as well, next I took the little vest and boots and also put them on. Last but not least I took my scarf and wrapped it around my neck.

"Great.. Now I look like his servant. All I'm missing are the wings."
I growled under my breath before thinking,
No one is probably expecting I'm gonna leave right..? They think I'm scared. But I'm not.
I grinned and quickly walked over to the door and slowly but quietly opened it, thinking I was free I quickly ran out from the room only to be grabbed by my scarf and pulled back.

"Oh and where do you think you're going? "
I looked around quickly, shocked by seeing the guard with blue wings from earlier.
I growled at him
"Let me go bastard! "

That guard.. He smirked at me and laughed
"No way, also didn't you hear? The prince Is expecting you. So if you don't want to end up with a sliced throat you better go. "

I groaned annoyed by this stupid guard. If only he wasn't there I would have escaped already.

"Come on. Prince death doesn't like waiting as you were also told. "
He dropped me down onto my feet and placed his sword against my back, it sting. Really a lot so I quickly started moving.

The guard seemed satisfied and proud that he caught me. He probably has a big ego, tsk as expected.

"Keep moving or I will stab your back. "

"Yes sir.. "
I sighed and just moved along as we walked through a lot of dark halls with painting of Ravens with colored wings.. Only then we stopped in front of the throne room.
The guard Guarding the door opened the big doors and let us in.. And there he was. The black winged Raven sitting on his throne proudly as if world was only his.. Which in this case was.

"Oh how sweet. Our little hunter has arrived~ how was the sleep in my bedroom hm? "
I froze.. I was sleeping in his.. Bedroom? Nope.. I'm never returning there.

"So? How was it hm? " the black winged one asked once again..
"Could have been better. "

"Oh? Someone woke up grumpy. Well since you're new to this role I will gladly explain how you behave in front of your prince. "

"Huh..? "
I was generally confused as I stared at him. The blue winged guard also seemed to back away a bit to give me space? That's weir-..

"So first rule. You bow down when you see me." The black winged one was suddenly in front of me holding his scythe under my neck like I was his next lunch..
I gulped and started sweating..
"Y-yes sir.. "

"Second. You only talk when someone talks to you. You are not allowed to have your own opinion or anything. If you break this rule you will get punished. "

"Yes.. Sir.. "

"And for the third one.. You always call you your majesty or prince. If you disobey this rule you will be punished"

"Yes.. Si-.. I mean your majesty.. "

"Good boy~ now the forth one, you never leave the castle no matter what. You will always stay here among the others. You will get your own room and will get a schedule of your chores. "

"Yes.. Your majes-.. WAIT WHAT? YOU MEAN LIKE I'M STAYING?! -"
I suddenly let out a painfull groan as I fall onto my knees. The black winged one gently took my chin and lift it up to face me..

"What did I say little hunter..why break the rules right ahead?.. Guess you want to see the punishment.. Alright then. "

He let go of me and stood back from me.

"Blue take out the whip. "

I widened my eyes open shocked.. Whip?..

"Yes your majesty. "
I looked back at the guard as he took out a long metal looking whip.. It didn't look like anything I have ever seen in life..
I was deep in thoughts as I didn't realize that he suddenly started hitting my back with it.
"O-Ow!. "

I whimperes in pain as the whip quickly hit my bones through the clothing.. It will surely leave bruises..
I got on all four in pain shaking after 5 whips..

"There we go. That's enough blue. He's had enough for his first time, now do you see little hunter? Each broken rule has its own amount of whips for punishment. This one has 5. So you better not break any other... But to say it might deal bigger damage to you spine.. This whip is meant for the Raven wings. "

"I-im sorry my majesty.. "

"Oh don't apologize. You should learn the rules. Not apologize... "
The black winged one kneeled down and took my chin once again to face me..

"Do you understand?.. "






"Yes.. Your majesty.. "


Hello everyone! I'm back finally

I wrote this chapter for people who are waiting and I'm sorry I wasn't able to do sooner, I don't feel like writing and instead I'm focusing more on my art.

So I'm sorry for any mistakes!

I hope you enjoy and leave a vote if you liked the chapter.

That's all so byeee


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