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<Geno's Pov>

My eye socket slowly opened as I noticed where I was standing.. I was at a balcony.. Reaper's balcony.

I could hear the wind whistle around me as I looked up at the bright but at the same time black moon above me.
It was beautiful night.. It almost made me smile..

Suddenly I could hear soft whispers around me while a transparent figure flew around me..
It was a skeleton with beautiful heir wings.
He was circling me before backing off and flying in the air in front of the balcony.

He reached out his hand for me while smiling.. I couldn't see his face it was blurred.. But I watched his hand get closer to me..

I slowly took a step forward.. And then another.. And another. Untill I was in front of the railing..

The figure was just flying in the air still waiting for me to take his hand.
I quickly climbed onto the railing and started reaching out to the Skeleton. Wanting to grab his hand only for him to back up more.

I froze before looking down at the ground.. I was high up. I quickly looked over at the figure still smiling while flying in front of me..
Maybe he wants me to jump to him..

I took a deep breath before closing my eyes and as I reached out to the skeleton once again. I then took a step back.. Before jumping.

For a split second I thought I made it. I opened the eyes to see the skeleton figure holding me by my hand..
The figure smirked before slowly but actually quickly dropping me..

I fell.. I was falling down.. Pretty quickly.
I looked under me as I was falling into an endless pit of void.

I groaned annoyed but felt also a bit scared before suddenly I hit the ground with a loud


"AH SHIT. that fucking hurt.. " I whimpered before sitting up and rubbing my back in pain. Ugh stupid fall..

I looked around seeing absolutely nothing other then pitch black void. Almost black as reaper's wings.. Hah.

I got onto my knees trying to examine the place surrounding me. I was about to stand up before suddenly there was a bunch of light glowing at me.

My eyes widen in an instant.. I was in the cave full of Fenix flowers...
I noticed quickly the little path in front of me that leads straight to the little hill with the brightest Fenix flower..

I was confused.. Why was I here?..
I quickly froze surprised as the Fenix flowers started glowing more.. And the one at the hill was slowly turning gray.

I panicked as I quickly stood up and quickly started running towards the flower.. The path tho seemed to get longer and longer.
I kept on running and running trying to get to the dying off flower.. I can't let it die! I can't! I need the information!..

Suddenly the distance shortened a lot and real quick.
Suddenly I was staring down at the bright flower.. That wasn't looking dead anymore.

What the hell?..

I blankly stared at the flower before all the flowers started brightly glowing once again.. But now the special one joined in as well..

Suddenly the skeleton figure appeared once again before and pointed at the small hill before disappearing into the small hill.

I quickly got on my knees as the flowers only glowed brighter and brighter almost blinding me.

I was eager to find out more about all this as I started digging with my hands. Pushing the dirty aside..
I kept digging even though the flowers glowed brightly.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now