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<Geno's Pov>

I was currently in the kitchen doing my chore that I have been assigned to by the Prince. I was helping out the maids with making the lunch for the prince and will I dare to say, this guy eats alot.
There's so much food, I don't understand how can someone eat so much. Like there a turkey with some chicken wings, some salads with deserts.
But I have the feeling that I'm missing something. I might as well ask.

I thought about it a bit before turning my head to the side at the maid I have seen earlier who bought me the clothing.
I took a deep breath and tried playing it cool.
"Uhm. May I ask, is today something special happening that I'm not aware of? "

The maid gave me a shocked and confused look as if i was stupid or something. Which kinda offended me if im not going to lie.

"Are you really not aware of today's Event? Did you really not catch it? It's written on your schedule. "

"Oh. I must have missed the little writing then. So what's happening today if I may ask again? "
I was a bit pissed cuz the maid apparently thinks that I had any time to read my schedule properly before being shoved into the kitchen to do my chores.

"God you mortals are so stupid. Today is Black Moon. "
I was starting at her with a bigger look of confusion.

"And.. What exactly does that mean? "

"The prince is inviting other kingdoms for dinner. A Black Moon is when the Royal families meet on a dinner and do a ritual to refresh their magic so they can keep ruling there kingdoms. It's also a time when the prince was born. "

That got me stunned.. A black Moon? A day of Royal families? It's too much to process.

"Oh. And.. That's all? "

"What do you mean by 'and that's all? ' it's the most important event in history of Ravens! You mortals really don't know anything. "

"OH? AND HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO? All you do is come to earth to disturb and kill us! So we're returning the favor! "

"Oh just be quiet you little peasant! You have no rights here you're not even a Raven! "
Was what the maid said before pouring a hot soup all over my clothing. It got me hissing so bad. Such heat and pain. It quickly soaked my clothing and went right for my bones. I fell on my knees sobbing slightly while the burning soup was eating up my bones.

I looked up a bit seeing everyone else shocked while staring at me and the maid who was in shock herself.
But suddenly their attention went to something.. Behind me.

"Oh.. Raichel.. Didn't I tell you that you had your last warning.."
I know that voice. It was the voice from no one else but the prince.
I could see him walk right past me with his whip and smirk on his face.

"Oh raichel you know what happens when you waste your last warning.. On your knees. Now. Back to me. "

"B-but prince- it was an accident I swea-"

"ON. Your. KNEES. "

"y-yes your majesty.."

I could see the maid called Raichel sit down on her knees with her back turned to the prince...
Last thing I could see was the maid getting whipped on her wings.. That was all I saw before passing out from the itching pain in my whole body..


I was suddenly awoken by someone quickly.
I quickly sat up in shock prepared to attack.
But then I only noticed it was some Raven sitting besides me..
Wait where was I now?..

"Where.. Am I? -"
I asked the Raven while I itched in pain a bit

"Oh, good you're awake, so my name is science but for short sci, I'm the prince's doctor, I work in the castle"

"Oh.. And why am I here? "
I rubbed the back of my skull a little while trying to process what happens, my bones hurt and itched pretty bad.. I wonder why

"So uhm, you have gotten serious burn damage on your bones.. And from what I have hear a hot soup was poured on you am I correct? "

".. Oh I remember.. "
I suddenly remembered that maid called Raichel was mad a poured soup on me..

"A maid named Raichel forcefully poured burning hot soup on me from anger.."

"Good so it is correct.. Well you are free to go but before you go I have to get you some pain kille-"

Suddenly the door was wide opened with the blue colored wings guard. With Prince following right behind.

"O-oh my! Your majesty.. Welcome, what brings you to my office? "
I could see Sci bowing down in respect, while I just watched confused

"greetings Sci. I came here to check on the little hunter. "

"Oh, him? Alright if that's what you're here for your majesty, I will give you two more privacy"

"Thank you Sci. Please Swap could you acompany Sci on his way? "
I looked over at the Blue winged Raven

"Of course your majesty! "
Just then the guard and the doctor Dissapeared behind the doors of the office.
So it was just me.. And him.

"So. May I ask what the hell was going on in the kitchen? "

I growled under my breath and looked over at the side, not wanting to face the black winged one.

"I'm asking you a question. Did you already forgot the rules little hunter? "
The prince quickly got closer and pulled me to face him by the collar of my shirt..

"Answer me little hunter or you're getting whips. "

"I.. Didn't do nothing.. "
"So you're telling me she just did it on purpose for no reason huh? "

"I only asked about what event is happening tonight.. She got.. Angry..please let me go.. "

The prince stared at me with his empty and lifeless eye sockets before letting go and sighing
"Alright.but if something more happens like this I won't hesitate giving you a punishment as well. Understood? "

"Yes your majesty.. I will do my chores.. "

"Good.. I will take my leave then."

The prince said before making his way to the doors of the office.

"Wait your.. Majesty! "...
The prince turned his head to look at me

" yes little hunter? "

"Please.. Call me Geno. Not a little hunter. "
I proudly said while staring at him.
He just gave me a smirk with a little laugh.

"Of course.. When you earn it.. Lil hunter. "
He then left and closed the door behind.
I just decided to rest up while the itching continued..

<Reaper's Pov>

I just left the doctors office while closing the door behind, I slightly leaned on the closed door while thinking calmly. ..

"So.. Geno you say.. Heh.. This is going be fun Geno. "

There we go! Another chapter phew,

Thank you all who like and vote and read this book! I'm so glad for all the support! So I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!

A little drama yk but hehe yeah

Anyways sorry for any mistakes!
Enjoy and cya!


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