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<No one's Pov>

Geno was calmly sleeping in his cozy and soft king sized bed that belong to the only one Prince of Death himself.. Reaper.

Geno knew that earlier was a disaster with that little accident that has happened to him.. That little rascal that was in his body.
But thank god he had taken care of it since once he wakes up the problem will be completely gone.

Only one thing is that... He was wrong.

<Geno's Pov>

I was enjoying my cozy and peaceful sleep on the bed underneath me. Knowing that the little problem I had found out about earlier has been taken care of and gone

I slowly began to open up my single eye sockets, awakening from my deep and cozy slumber.. Which was about to be ruined. For some reason I felt that way but I didn't care much.

All what I was thinking about was getting some morning coffee to get my energy up.
As my eye socket fully snapped up I looks around a bit before blinking a few times. Noticing reaper sleeping beside me which was I guess normal at this point. So I didn't pay much attention to him.. But one thing caught my attention, the uneasy feeling in my abdomen.. Felt swollen and uncomfortable definitely. Even this position was helping. Plus I wasn't even able to look at it because of this asshole's big ass wings
Even my own wings hurt from this position.

I hated him scooping me up like this, I groaned and for my own luck Reaper moved slightly over more to the edge giving me more space.

Thank god I told myself.
Now I had the chance to actually take a look at myself and see why my abdomen was hurting so much and feeling uneasy and overly swollen.
But God was I soon to regret on wanting to look.

I slowly reached out to lift up my shirt in attend to look what was going on underneath just to quickly drop it back after a split second.
The horror on my face said it all. The problem I thought was to disappear has been there and even now formed properly.
Only then I noticed Fatal hanging around on the other side of the bed in front of me with a wide smirk on his ugly face.


"Hehe. Hope you're having fun with your new offspring"

Was all fatal said before disappearing from view.
I quickly realized that this was really happening. That.. That nasty Bastard excuse of a ancestor actually did give him the blessing of an offspring he never wanted.

I started to go into a slight panic attack. This wasn't okay, what is reaper gonna say? What will he do?! He's gonna kick me out.. He's gonna kill me he will throw me out to die..

I was panicking so hard that I didn't even notice the hand reaching out to me from behind. My loud quick breaths have awaoken the one sleeping beside me and I didn't even realize it.
Until he Grabbed my shoulder.

Only then I swiftly turned over and slapped his hand away while having tears in my eye socket from the panic attack.
Reaper stared at me concerned and confused.

"Geno, are you alright- you're shaki-"


That started the poor Raven and got him to back up a bit, even more concerned about his mate's condition at the moment
"Geno let me help you-"

"But Geno-"


I said before using my wings to throw reaper off onto the floor from the bed as reaper made a loud 'oof' sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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