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<Geno's Pov>

I was smiling at Pallete while Holding the book, he looked kinda shocked and I don't know why.. And he just asked why I had wings like the heirs.. Which is weird cuz I'm not even a raven.
I have never been one and I will never be one. So I don't know what he saw but it was probably just child imagination.

"If you say so Mr.. Geno... "
"Trust me kid if I was a raven I wouldn't be born in my mortal village. "

"But I can clearly see you have wings! Why can't you see them ?.. "
"Maybe cuz I don't have any wings? Pallete it's just your imagination. "

Pallete looked sad and defeated, just because I told him I have no wings?? I swear I don't have wings.. I'm not a Raven.

I sighed before patting pallete's head..

"Look sorry kid i-"
" if you're not a Raven then why do I see the other Ravens at the place with the Fenix flowers have wings like you! "

I froze. What is he talking about.. Wait he knows where the Fenix flowers.. Are? The heir grave.
"You know where the Fenix flowers grow?.. "
"Yes.. Dad ink teached me how to open a portal to there.. "

Interesting.. Maybe I could use to to my advantage.. And escape!
"Hey kid.. "
".. Yes Mr Geno?. "
"Do you think you could maybe open the portal for me?. Ink actually told me to take a look at the flowers to check if they're okay. "

"But dad does that alone-.. I'm not allowed to let others there.. "
"Come on kid, I swear your dad told me to check them. " I crossed my fingers behind my back before seeing pallete nod..

"Okay.. I will open it for a few seconds because I can't do it for too long.. "
"That's alright kid. "

I smiled at him before he came closer to me and used his magic to open a portal to a dark cave. I quickly hopped into the portal before I could hear pallete gasp and accidentally close the portal.

"YES! I ESCAPED! And how easily.. Heh. Now I can finally return to the village.. Well first I need to get out of this dark cave.. "
I groaned and started walking through the dark while trying to find the near by wall that I could hold onto until I find an exit.

I got a hold of a wall near by and started walking by it. I was carefully stepping through before accidentally falling into a hole
"AAA! "

I was falling down before hitting the hard rock ground. That hurt my bones so much. Ouch. But still least nothing is broken.

I sighed before sitting up and dusting my clothes off quickly. Ew dust.. It's everywher-
I froze as I stared at the small field of Fenix flowers.. They were glowing brightly.. It was beautiful.
I quickly tried to hop up on my feet and as I did I slowly started looking around.. I was SURROUNDED by the flowers. They were everywhere.. I thought only one was growing here.. Well that's what ink said at least.. I started carefully walking through the little field of Fenix flowers.. They all glowed brightly and beautiful.. But one particular Fenix flower caught my attention.

It was on growing on a little small hill and was surrounded by a lot of the flowers but those weren't touching the hill at all.
The Fenix flower was shining brighter then any other of the flowers in the field, it was colored as the others but had small teeny tinny difference. The ends of the flower were white with soft red spots on it.
It was truly a beautiful sight..

"Genooo.. "

I froze. What the hell was that? Did I just hear someone call my name??.. I quickly turned around trying to find the person calling out to me.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now