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<Geno's Pov>

It was the next day after the reaveal of Gradient's dark interests.
The others rulers were shocked and stunned by the discovery.
It was honestly really disgusting to think that my Adoptive nephew fucking raped me.

How disgusting.. But something also caught my attention.
Nightmare mentioned Error and Ink being dethroned.
I know Error as my adoptive brother now some roy ruler.

But ink.. Ink. That's the Rainbow Raven I found in the woods of mortal realm the one I striker with my arrow into his wing.
Since he was a Royal.. A dethroned king. That's the reason why his blood was silver. Like the roses covering the Royal dining room doors.

It was interesting to think about this.. But I didn't have enough info to figure out what exactly happens. How did ink and Error even met? I need to get information!
I need to-!

"hey geno-cide" called killer from behind before jumping onto my back making both of us fall
"Oof! That was a funny-fall! "
"Killer quit it- with ur stupid puns that make no sense- what do you even want from me? "

"Now now now! That's not the way u talk to yer pal is that? "
"What do you want. "
"Okay fine- just chill down, I'm inviting you to the party or well playtime if u wanna call it that way. The thing I told you about yesterday"

"Oh that. Well sorry but I can't. I'm busy Reaper asked me to be on the meeting where they discuss the thing with Gradient. "
"Well, but no servants are allowed at those meetings- well maybe you're an exception.. Well go ahead but if you decide to join us were in the throne room. "

Killer waved at me before running off . I sighed before turning over and walking off to the Royal dinning room where the discussion was going on.
I knocked on the door  before walking in.

The other's gazes fell on me. I froze.
"Why's he here? I know he's one of the victims but this is a discussion between royals. "

"Excuse us please. " said the Prince of death before standing up and walking over to me. He took me outside the door and closed them before looking at me.
"I thought I was welcomed at the discussion-"
"I might have told you that you are welcome but others can just say no."

"Oh. My apologies. " I sighed disappointed.
"Also you can have a day off today like the rest of the servants. And it also seems like killer really wants you at their 'servants party' so how about you go with them today hm? "

"Hm... I guess a day off sounds nice. But do I really have to be with them? "

"Alright let me say it this way. I. DO. NOT. wish for you to roam my castle without anyone watching over you. Even though I felt pitty for you I'm still your king and you listen to me. "
"Yes.. Your Highness. "
"Good. Now hop off before I change my mind and make you works with the other servants. "

I quickly rushed off while the prince judt grinned  before returning inside the Royal dining room.  Or well I thought he did return in. I definitely didn't need to look back since I definitely don't wanna work today.

<Reaper's pov>

I sighed and grinned at the running hunter.
Pfft how cute. Running won't get you far but this time it will.

I was about to renter the Royal dinning room before Husogi approached.

" you don't have to be so harsh on him my lord, hehe"

"Oh husogi. How may I help you? "
"Oh nothing I just wanna know how it's going between you my Lord and our little mortal genoooo~"
She made a innocent face.
What does she think is going between us??
"I have no idea what you're implying? "

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now