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Hello sorry for all the wait I was busy haha- as u might (or might not) have noticed! I made myself a cover for this book so hehe✨ I hope it looks good enough :3

Anyways enjoy!


<Geno's Pov>

It was the time, the Royal dinner was tonight, actually it was just happening right behind those big wooden doors.
I stared at the door as I noticed it was covered in a bunch of colorful roses.
From what The other servants have told me this dinning room was only accessible for either personal servants of the royals or the royals themselves.
And that's what the roses are supposedly representing.. Those rulers that have the access in.

I stared at the roses. I noticed a pair of roses being closer to each other then the others.
One was golden like color with sparkles.
And beside it there was a grossly corrupted and goopy rose. Those are apparently supposed to represent the kings of Feelings. But I'm not sure since there's another pair right on the other side. There were two roses as well but those didn't seem that close as the other. One was bigger then the other.
The bigger one had teal with black and yellow sparkles in it. It didn't really look that pretty.. But the other one. That one was beautifully colored in violet/pink with black spots and yellow sparkles.. And blue freckles.. I adored the rose before noticing a Bright purple rose that was a bit more closer to the goopy rose as well.. It shined bright.. It looked stronger than the other.

And of course. There in the middle of them all was the beautiful pitch black Roses. That was representing prince Reaper.
I was feeling calm while looking over at those beautiful roses. But then I noticed wines with leafs covering some more roses.. I went to move then aside as I noticed the faded colors of those roses.. There was also a rainbow one.. That was still looking strong but the grey was covering it slowly..

I thought a bit before speaking out loud without meaning to. "Those must represent the old rulers.."
"Heh, I see that you're catching on a lot quicker then I thought you would.. Not everyone can figure out the secret of those doors.. Only the ones inside have the right to know it. So consider yourself lucky lil hunter. "

"Oh.. Greetings your Highness."

The prince didn't return the breeding and only walked right beside me. Which kinda got me to sweat. Like really bad.
"May I help you somehow your Highness? "

"Not really, well not right now at least. I just came to inform you about the other rulers and their personal servants. You all will be helping us out during our dinner. "

My eye suddenly sparkled with hope. I don't even know why but it did. I dared to look up at the Prince.
"Other servants?. "
The Prince gave a weird type of look
"Of course? Us Royal ranks need someone we can trust to accompany us and help us with out needs. "
My hope grew larger. Maybe there are other mortals with the rulers!

The Prince grinned, seems like he notices the spark of hope that was growing in my eyes before speaking.

"Aww... Are you thinking if there are other mortals with the rulers? well I'm sorry(not) to break it up to you but you are and you will be the only mortal in this realm. "
At the last part he let out a hiss as a warning but I didn't pay much attention to it as my only hope shattered to million pieces by those simple words.

"Oh.. R-right. "
"You wouldn't think that Us mighty royals would choose weak useless peasants mortals as out own personal servants would you? Cuz if you do.. Haha! How hilarious! "

I stared at the ground growling..
"..and yet you have me as one. "

As the Prince heard this year instantly shot me a glare of anger and hiss at me before grabbing my arm and pulling my chin up roughly. He was looking right into my eye socket. I froze in fear in an instant.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now