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<Geno's POV>

I opened my eye socket. Feeling in pain of course.. Since when have I not felt in pain am I right?.

I turned my head over noticing Husogi who was holding some bandages
"Oh. I see you're awake! Phew I thought you would be sleeping for days. Thank god it was only like a day or two. "

"Huh?.. I was asleep for that long?.. "

"Yep! And I recommend taking a day off cuz you still aren't stable enough."

"Oh. If you say so.. "

"Sooo since you're having a day off I actually first recommend you to take a proper bath in the Spa section. The pools have healing effects, it would help your body stabilize"
"Oh.. Sure as long as Reaper doesn't beat me for using his VIP spa. "

"I doubt that, since what happened he's been avoiding me and he probably will avoid you as well"

"At least I will have peace for the day.. And sure I will take the healing bath. "

"Alright then, let me escort you there and show you where to stay"

"Alright then.. "

Husogi helped me stand up and Gave me back some of my accessories before walking with me to the door

"We don't have to take anything since there will be the towels and stuff, also I will stay with you to make sure you don't drown"

"And what am I to you? A kid? "

"I'm a bunch of thousands years older than you so for me you are haha"

I growled again but kept my cool since she's a lady.. A pretty sus lady would I say.

Husogi was talking while I wasn't listening, we were walking down the hallways and down the staircase before ending up in front of a spa section.

"Alright were here, I hope you remember the rulers haha right? "

"Uhm.. Definitely..! " I gave her thumbs up before sweating, "right.. So where are you not allowed to? "

I looked away trying to avoid her haze and sighed "fineee I wasn't listening.. I was thinking about stuff.. "
"Reaper? "
"WHAT?! NO! " I jumped from her comment and growled at her.
"Fine fine I will stop. Just remember to not enter the Royal part, that's where the rulers rest. And they want PEACE. "

"Right.. Got it"
Husogi smiled before opening the big beautiful door once again covered with black roses. . Pretty.. Like his wings. I mentally quickly slapped myself.. Wtf are you thinking idiot..

We entered a beautiful room filled with pools.. There were cold pool and warm pools and in between were the cool pools..
"Damn that's a lot of pools.. "

"Yep! Hut alr take your clothes off and jump in that one" husogi pointed over at the warm pool also wait.. Take my clothes off?
"Why? "
"You're gonna bath plus I need to wash your uniform ,you stink"

"Excuse me? "
"Don't take it offensive. Just strip and get in the water before I push you in myself. "

"Fine fine jeez! Calm down. Just turn away. "
"You think I want to stare at a naked skeleton! Nah! "
Husogi instantly turned away and crosses her arms 'offended'
I rolled my eye light before taking off my actually dirty uniform before throwing it to husogi's side. I quickly grabbed a towel covering myself
"Alright thank you. Now go bath. If you would need anything just shout and I will come right away, I'm right in the next room"

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now