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<Geno's pov>

"A what now? -"

"The ashes of a Fenix flower, are you not listening?? -"

"I am, but like what the fuck is that? "
"It's a special ingredient or well.. Flower to keep my emotions alive. "

I stared at ink just fucking confused, and he did notice that, resulting in a sigh before he reached into his side bag and pulled out a beautiful fire colored flower that was glowing.

"This is the Fenix flower.. It's only found in mortal realm.. At a secret place I and the other rulers have hidden thousands of years ago. "

"Okay and what's so special about it? Alr I get it, it somehow keeps your emotions stable or what the fuck you said"
"this flower's petals are hiding an incredible power.. It only grows once a thousand years.. That's why I always on black moon have to go to the mortal realm to get it. "

"Oh.well that's interesting.. But why is flower only in my realm? "

I could see ink hesitate for a second before letting out a sigh of defeat
"I will tell you but you must promise not to tell anyone that I told you. The newer rulers like Paper jam, Gradient,Cross, Dream and Nightmare don't know about this. Only Reaper and i do. We're the only two rulers who had experienced.. The thing happening."

"What are you talking about now ink? - I came for simple answers. And you're saying it as if it almost ended the world. "

"Cuz it almost did! If it wasn't for me and Reaper THEY WOULD HAVE DESTROYED US! "
Ink quickly sat back down and covered his mouth. Trying to calm down while his face had a panicked expression.

"... Who are they. "

"The heirs.. To the Kingdom of LoVe."
Ink then signaled to Pallete to come closer as he quickly handed ink the book he dropped earlier in the castle in the chase.
Ink opened it on one of the pages as he placed the book on the table and pointed at a skeleton with pure white wings with red ends at the feathers.

"Those are called the Heirs of LoVe. Those Ravens have hidden powers like no other.. And once triggered the world would be in great danger.. And not only ours but yours as well. "

"And what does that have to do with the Fenix flower? "
"The place where the flower is growing Is a grave to the heirs. This flower is created from Their dust/ashes."

Ink sighed before looking at Pallete who nod and walked away to leave the two alone.

"I'm supposed to keep this a secret but since you're here already and I told you so much I can just spill it all.. "
"I'm listening. "
"Me and Reaper think one of the heirs is still alive.. "

"But didn't you just say their ashes are burried under the flower? "
"Yeah I did.. But when we were fighting the heirs off, one of them escaped. Through the Dimensional portal and went right to the mortal realm.. But before it was too late we cut his wings off and put a spell upon him. "

".. That's interesting. How long has it been? "
"Over 20 thousand years. We still haven't caught him.. But we should be safe if the spell stays upon him. "

"I never knew about this. "
"Well obviously. The mortals don't have such knowledge, if they did, they could turn it against us. And kill us all. "

"Right.. Now.. Can you tell me. More about you and Error? How did it.. Happen? "

I could see ink whine as he hesitated but gave in..

"..A few thousand years ago I went to get the ashes of Fenix flowers.. Like every thousand years. But I was struck by a hunter while getting it.. I had to run.. So I did because my wings was no use due to the arrow piercing through it. .. I kept running until I just couldn't and collapsed in the ground.. That's when I noticed the hunter being above me. He was about to kill me but something in him hesitated. So instead he took me with him.. He took care of me.. So gently and carefully.. I could say we slowly developed feelings for each other.."

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now