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<Geno's POV.>

me, Error and Fresh finished our chatting as we headed for the door that led to the hall.

Error opened the big wooden door as we could see caption Undyne standing there.

"finally. What took you three so long?"

"uhm well we were chat-"

"nevermind i don't want to hear it."

"but caption-"

"hush. I said i don't want to hear it."

i sighed before nodding  as Undyne growled

"why aren't you in your professional state? All of you."

All three of us kinda jumped a bit not expecting Caption Undyne pointing it out.

we all got into our Professional poses with no expession while looking at Capitan Undyne.

(is it Capiton or Capitan? Idfk😭)

"alright time for all of you to go. Lets go to King Asgore. Dont you dare to talk without him letting you."

We all nod as Undyne nod as well.
She turned around and started walking forwards.

Error and Fresh instantly started walking and following Undyne, with me leaving behind.

i actually driffted into my thoughts not realizing i was left behind..
I suddenly remembered the dream i had which got me trunbling once again.

black..wings.. i mumbled to myself before Error turned around

"oi Geno you good?"

i snapped out of my thoughts right when Error approuched me again.

"o-oh, my bad sorry- i got lost in thoughts.."

"don't apologize to me but to Undyne if she sees you got left behind"

"yeah sorry. go ahead i will catch up"


I sighed quietly before quickly shaking my head and sprinting towards The three.

Undyne suddenly stopped in front of the huge wooden doors and so did Error and Fresh.

i was still running and forgot to stop- so i bumped into Error from the back.
He glitched suddenly in shock and punched me in the nose in defense.

I fell down holding my nose whining
"Ouch!-Errlr wtf!-"

"Oh fuck Geno- i'm sorry i didnt know it was you-"

i pulled my hand away from my nose with blood on it i groaned


i could see Capitan Undyne staring down at me with her arms crossed.

"Geno get up. We're already late, it will be your fault if king's mad."

i sighed before standing up. Looking down at the floor and sighed as i nod.

"sorry captian."

"tsk, whatever. "
Undyne turned around putting a professional expression on as she took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Suddenly the door was opened by two Guards.
The two guards stepped aside as Undyne went inside first before hinting us to follow.

All three of us quickly followed behind and walked behind Capitan Undyne.

"Capitan Undyne. May i know what took you and Capitan Geno so long?"

Undyne got on her knee and bowed down in front of the king.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now