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Hello everyone- here comes another chapter. Sooo in school I kinda twisted my ankle so I'm sorry if it won't be too long or detailed like previous two chapters-

I need to rest so haha TvT

Anyways enjoy the chapter! ✨


<Reaper's Pov>

I was quickly running through the Hall ways while carrying Geno in my arms who was passed out but still sobbing.

I don't know what happened to him or why he was on the ground in the Royal Hall way but something tells me it was Gradient who did this to him. Since he was the last one with him.

I took a deep breath and shoved my thoughts aside. After all right now I have to take care of this poor mortal.

I entered my chambers and quickly closed the door behind. I instantly carried Geno into my bathroom and placed him down on the toilet.

I went to fill up the bathtub with some warm water.. God I never felt this way.. Is this how it feels to actually worry about someone? I never had to worry about anyone. Cuz I had no one to care for.

But this mortal.. U have no idea how he did this. How he managed to make me care..
But we'll obviously I wouldn't let him freeze to death there.. Right? Am I really that cruel..

I was deep in my thoughts and before I even knew it the bathtub was filled.. I sighed before turning the water on and moving my attention over at the poor mortal.

I walked over to him again and picked him up, this time I left the blanket there.
I realized that his ecto has unsummoned itself. That's good.
I smiled without realizing and without paying it any mind.

I first rolled up my sleeves and then
I careful placed The small mortal into the bathtub filled with warm water.
I took some soap and a sponge and rubbed it alongside his bruised bones gently and carefully.

I felt really bad. Which doesn't happen often.
I kept gently rubbing the sponge against his bones, cleaning him up. I slowly moved the sponge onto his ribs, cleaning the dark bruises that stopped bleeding a while back.

Then I went to clean his face gently. I looked at the small hunter once more before putting the sponge away and washed the bubbles off with water.
I looked his bones over as I was relieved that the bruises and bite marks have faded slightly, But still were really visible if not covered.

I gently took a big black towel and placed it on the toilet before going back and picking up Geno.
I gently placed him into the toilet and wrapped the towel around him and as i once again scooped him up and walked out of the bathroom.

I gently lied him into my king sized bed with black sheets with black roses as a pattern.
I took off my black cape-coat with fluff and wrapped it around Geno for warmth. I felt bad for the poor hunter.

No one deserves such thing like this.
I sighed and thought about going to sleep but I quickly realized Geno was there..

I blushed at the thought of sleeping next to a mortal, it would be unusual for me to sleep next to someone at all without killing them.

I sighed and calmed my blush down before changing into different clothes for sleeping.
I had a nice comfy pajamas on but no one needs to know I like wearing pajamas.

I gently lied down beside the sleeping mortal who was now calmly snoring while dreaming.. At least he feels a bit better.. I hope.

I moved closer and hugged him before drifting into a deep deep and calm sleep.

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now