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Alright peeps this chapter will contain Geno's Past! It will also explain some things so hehe enjoy!


<Geno's Pov>

It was the time of crowning.. Apparently someone was getting crowned today which is really cool and all but it's not really my thing.. I'm here for one and only reason, only to see someone special to me! My dear friend who's really dear to me! We always play happily around while the ceremonies go on, the children don't have to be there which is the best about it!

I let go of my mother's hand as she instantly knew where I was heading but before I left I started as she entered the building while keeping her pure white wings with red at the ends high and proud.

I giggled before instantly running through the crowd of people show were coming to the crowning ceremony, I was looking for Him.

"Where is he.. Mm there's so many people.."

I suddenly noticed him just walking towards the building with his parents in behind him.
My smile got wide in happiness as I quickly sprinted towards him while dragging my wings behind me on the ground.

As I approached him he noticed me and opened his arms as I instantly jumped into them and hugged him tightly
"Hi reaper! "
"Hii Geno! How are you? "

Said my friend Reaper with a smile as we let go of each other and smiled each happily.
"I have been okay, just missed you a lot! It's just so boring in the castle without you.. "

Reaper walked closer to me and patted me on my head and giggled

"It's alright! I am here now!"
Said reaper with a smile before hugging me again
"That's true hehe! And how have you been? "

"Bored its just not it when you're not around as well! "

Me and reaper giggled before I through of an idea
"Hey since were here together how about we go to our favorite spot on the cliff! "

"That's a nice idea! But how do you want to get up there?"
"With Wings obviously? "

"But Geno.. You have damaged wing.. And I doubt they have healed already.. "
"I will be alright! You will be there to help me!"
"True! Alright come on let's hurry up! "

Me and reaper then went off running off towards the forest surrounding the crowning building as once we dissapeared into the green wild life surrounding us.
We were running through the forest between trees and avoiding bushes and laughing.

It was like a game for us, more like a race but I know reaper was just letting me win this time pfft cuz if he was to really compete he would be already there because of his high speed.

And in no time we exited the beautiful forest just to in front a wide beautiful lake with a large waterfall with clean water and beautiful flowers around.

"Wow! It's been a while since we have been here, heh it never changes but only becomes more beautiful! "

"I agree on that! So many flowers here! Maybe there will be some up there, we could make flower crowns! "

"You mean you could make flower crowns? I still suck at it even tho you tried teaching me so many times"

Said reaper before giggling gently and walking beside me I only smiled and nodded before looking up towards the spot we wanted to go to, if I was to fly up there  myself I would collapse half way there because of my wing but with reaper's help it should be alright.. Hmm..

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