September 1, 1975

948 16 2

It felt like only yesterday they had left Hogwarts for the summer Holidays and now here they were standing on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters saying goodbye to their parents. It was a quarter of Eleven when the Potters had arrive. Friendly Hello' followed them as they made their way through the crowded station.

The Potters were a good-looking family, the family of four stopped in front of the middle of the platform. Euphemia was already tearing up, her twins were about to start their fifth year. Flemont placed a loving hand on her back to comfort her.

"Mum, you're embarrassing me."

Odessa slapped her brother on the back of his head, "Dimwit, let her cry."

"It's embarrassing!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Hun" She wiped her tears and hugged Odessa goodbye. Odessa was more understanding as much as she was not a touchy person she hugged her mother back tightly. Euphemia brushed her daughter's dark hair back, "You are going to do so well this year."

Odessa couldn't help but smile, She was going to miss her mother, this was always the hardest part of leaving.

"Can I go find my friends now?" James asked.

"Aren't you going to give your mother a hug?" Flemont ask his son, who groaned and hugged his mother reluctantly.

"Bye mum, I love you," James choked out. Expressing his feelings was not James's favourite thing unless it came to Lily Evans, then he would tell the entire world he was in love with her.

"Watch after your sister, say hi to Remus and Sirius for me, and make sure you stay on top of your studies I do not want to get a letter from the headmaster this year," She hugged her son one last time, fixing his messy hair before letting him go find his friends. Odessa stayed with her parents, She had always loved school so much and could never wait for summer to end but this year was different, she didn't want to return to the place she felt most comfortable.

"Why don't you go find your friends?" Flemont Potter suggested to his daughter.

"I'm okay, I think I will just go find an empty compartment," Odessa said one last goodbye to her parents before getting on the train. She pushed passed people through the narrow corridor of the train. Her "friends" had not sent her any letters this summer, apart from Lily Evans, who had sent her a lot of letters. A few whispers followed her as she passed different people, finding an empty compartment ended up being impossible for her; each compartment had different groups of friends and different years.

She paused in front of the compartment door before knocking, and a moment later it swung open. She cringed as she her the voice of James's best friend.

"Dessy! Come to join the cool kids?"

She rolled her eyes, "No! and you know I hate that." She pushed passed the Black Family's oldest son. The Black Family was the most known pure-blooded family other than the Malfoy to keep their pure-blooded line pure. Odessa took a seat on the bench across from James's other two friends Remus Lupin who had his nose stuck in a book about plants and Peter Pettigrew was picking his nose.

"That's gross," she mumbled before asking the three of them, "Where is James?"

Sirius who slammed the door and took a seat uncomfortably close to her spoke before either Remus or Peter could reply, "He saw Lily in the corridor and went to go tell her how beautiful she looked or something like that."

'Of course he did,' she thought.

"Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" Sirius asked, kicking his feet up on the bench between Remus and Peter.

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