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In the wake of our encounter with Kas, Sirius and I found ourselves in a heated argument as we retreated from the dimly lit corridor.

"I can't believe you're hesitating," Sirius said, his frustration evident in his voice. "We need to tell the others what we heard. They have a right to know."

I, on the other hand, had reservations about sharing our discovery with our friends. "Sirius, we don't know the full extent of what's going on," I countered. "If we go to Dumbledore first, he can investigate discreetly and ensure our safety."

The tension between us was palpable as we stood at a crossroads, torn between the desire to confide in our friends and the need to involve the school's headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, in what could potentially be a dangerous and dark situation.

Sirius's frustration with me was growing more apparent by the moment, and I could see it in the way he clenched his fists and furrowed his brow.

"Dessa, this isn't the time to keep secrets," he argued, his voice tinged with exasperation. "We need to tell everyone else. It's not just about us; it's about keeping everyone safe."

I understood his perspective, but I couldn't shake the feeling that involving Dumbledore first might be the wisest course of action. However, as I looked into Sirius's eyes, I couldn't help but detect a hint of something more than frustration—perhaps concern, maybe even a lingering emotion that had developed over the years we'd spent as friends.

Our disagreement was emblematic of the complexities of our relationship, and the unspoken emotions that sometimes hung in the air between us only added to the intensity of the moment.

But despite the emotions that swirled around us, I held firm in my belief that involving Dumbledore was the safest course of action. "Sirius," I said, my voice softening, "I care about all of them too. But I also care about keeping them safe. Dumbledore is the best chance we have of doing that."

Our gazes remained locked, and at that moment, we both understood the weight of the decision before us. It was a choice that would shape our path ahead and determine the fate of our friends and ourselves.

Sirius let out a frustrated sigh, his disagreement still evident in his expression. "Fine, Dessa," he said, his voice tinged with resignation. "You go do whatever you think is best with Dumbledore. I'm going to tell the others what we heard."

With those words, he turned and walked away, leaving me to grapple with my decision alone. The divide between us, fueled by our differing opinions and the unspoken emotions that lingered, seemed to grow wider as we headed down separate paths to carry out our chosen courses of action.

As I watched Sirius's retreating figure down the dimly lit hall, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirled within me. The decision I faced was a challenging one, with my rational mind urging me to seek the guidance of Headmaster Dippet or Professor Dumbledore, while my heart tugged at me, compelling me to follow Sirius.

The bond between us, tempered by years of friendship and unspoken feelings, had always held a powerful sway over my decisions. The prospect of leaving him to face the others alone filled me with a sense of unease and uncertainty. But the mysteries and potential dangers that surrounded Kas and his connection to the Dark Lord were too significant to ignore.

The moment of decision had arrived, and with a resolute determination, I couldn't let Sirius face the others alone, especially with the gravity of what we had uncovered. "Sirius!" I called after him, my voice echoing down the corridor.

As Sirius and I entered the common room, the three of them turned their gazes toward us, a mixture of curiosity and concern etched across their faces.

"Well?" James jumped up, his eagerness and impatience evident. I exchanged a glance with Sirius before answering, "Well... it's bad news."

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