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As we gathered around Sirius's hospital bed, the atmosphere was a mix of worry and determination. James, Peter, Remus, and I were all deeply concerned about what had happened to Kas and why he had been withdrawn from Hogwarts. It was clear that something sinister was at play, and we needed to find out the truth.

Sirius, although still recovering from his injuries, was eager to get involved in the investigation. His determination was palpable as he lay there, propped up on pillows, his dark eyes filled with resolve.

"Alright," James began, taking charge of the impromptu meeting. "We need to figure out where Kas is and what's going on with his family. Sirius, do you have any idea why they might be involved in this?"

Sirius frowned, his brow furrowing in thought. "I don't have all the details, but I know that my family and the Markuses have had some connections in the past. Kas mentioned that he was being forced to work with my brother, Regulus."

Remus nodded, his expression serious. "That could mean he's being pressured to get information or do something on behalf of the Death Eaters."

I interjected, "And Drew Markus, Kas's father, writes for the Daily Prophet. If he's been arrested, it might be related to what he knows or what he's been writing about."

James agreed, "I'll try to locate him using the Marauder's Map. In the meantime, we should gather any information we can about the Markuses and the Black family connections. We'll meet here tomorrow with whatever we find."

With our plan in motion, we began brainstorming ways to uncover the truth and help Kas. Sirius, despite his injuries, was determined to play his part in solving the mystery surrounding his friend's disappearance.

As we continued discussing our plan, the gravity of the situation weighed on us. I raised a point, "How do we approach this without alerting the teachers or making it too obvious? We don't want to get caught or put Kas in more danger."

Remus nodded in agreement. "Dessa's right. We need to be discreet and cautious. We don't know who we can trust."

James, always quick with ideas, suggested, "We can start by discreetly researching the Markuses and the Black family connections in the library. Dessa, you are good at finding information. Sirius, you can provide any insights you have about your family's involvement."

Sirius nodded, his gaze determined. "I'll tell you whatever I know, even if it's not much. And I'll try to reach out to some of my contacts in case they have any information."

I added, "We should also keep an eye on the Daily Prophet for any updates on Drew Markus's situation. It might give us clues about what's going on."

With our initial plan in place, we dispersed to gather information and resources. The weight of the mystery hung over us, but we were determined to uncover the truth and help our friend Kas, no matter where the investigation led us.

James called break and we all scattered to do our different things.

In the library, I began my search for ancestral books that might shed light on the pure-blooded families and their connections. The Hogwarts library was vast, filled with centuries of knowledge, and I knew that hidden within its shelves might be the key to understanding the dark secrets surrounding the Markuses and the Blacks.

I started by searching for books on the genealogy of wizarding families, hoping to find information on both the Markus and Black families. As I pulled dusty tomes from the shelves and flipped through aged pages, I was met with countless family trees, names, and historical accounts. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to uncover any clues that might help us.

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