Hogsmeade and Try-outs

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' The Sacred twenty-eight' Orian Black (46) had been arrested under what he claims to be false accusations. Black has been accused of assisting He-who-must-not-be-named. His lawyer, Malcolm Flint, spoke with us early yesterday morning about what Black has to say. "I am part of the sacred twenty-eight everything I do is for the protection of my family and to make sure our pure bloodline is not stained," Black told me. Nothing is said to deny the allegations because Sirius Black (15) A fifth-year at Hogwarts has fallen down a path most pure-blooded family members do not go, it would be no surprise if Black was working for you-know-who. Walburga Black (45) spoke upon her husband's arrest stating that he will be home soon.-"

"Stop," Sirius groaned at the breakfast table the following day as Remus read aloud.

"That was terribly written and nothing made sense," said Dessa, grabbing the paper from Remus and rereading the article.

"It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not it's what he is painting me as." Sirius pushed his plate away from the table.

"Drew Markus is a terrible journalist," James said grabbing the paper from his sister tearing it up in four pieces and throwing it down the table a little bit away. "And to think you are going on a date with his son," he added grabbing a roll from the basket of bread sat in the centre of the five of them.

"Don't," Sirius rubbed his temples grabbed a roll and bit into it.

"He's not like his father," Dessa defended Kas.

"We will see," said James, mouth full of food. "I am going to go get ready to go to Hogsmeade in hopes of catching Lily on her way out," James twirled himself around on the bench and got to his feet. Remus waved James off.

"Peter and I are going to Hogsmeade as well, Sirius would you like to join us?" Remus got to his feet.

"No," The flat refusal to anyone who was following might have taken it as rude.

"Very well, see you later Odessa," He hurried off with Peter following him.

Sirius rubbed his face. It was just him and Dessa left at the table.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to Hogsmeade with Markus?"

"She is, Dessa are you ready?" Kas spoke from behind Dessa. Looking over her shoulder she broke into a smile, he returned to smile. "Well, I will see you later Sirius, Try not to take the Daily Prophet so seriously."

"Ready?" asked Kas, offering her a hand.

Dessa glanced down at his open hand, Taking it she nodded her hair, "Yes."

Sirius glared after the two of them, Drew Markus was putting a stain on his family name as much as he hated it. He hated Drew and he hated his son Kassian Markus, he might have been fooling the whole school, but not Sirius. Kas must have been feeding his father information about Sirius and what he was up to.

heading down to Hogsmeade Kas and Dessa talked the whole way, laughing. Anyone looking in they would have looked like a couple. By the time they had made it to Hogsmeade, it was crowded, even more so in the three broomsticks where they had gone to get butter beer.

He pulled out the chair for her in the back corner.

"So what happened to your friends coming?" asked Dessa, watching him take a seat across from her.

"Well, you see... they were never coming I just didn't think you would have said yes if it was just me," he pushed his short dark hair out of his eyes. "I'll be back," He said getting to his feet and heading over to the counter to order two butter beers for them.

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