Markus Manor

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The knock echoed through the grand Markus Manor, the sound resonating through the silence within its formidable walls. I took a hesitant step back from the imposing door, my heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. James, despite our recent disagreements, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, a silent gesture of unity in our shared concern.

As we stood on the threshold of the manor, the sky above darkened, and the clouds released a few raindrops that fell from the overcast heavens. The cold droplets splashed against the ground, serving as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the world outside, mirroring the uncertainty of our mission. We knew that venturing into the Markus Manor was a risk, a gamble, much like the decision that had driven Sirius to embark on this journey.

The massive door creaked open, revealing an unexpected sight. Instead of a formidable or imposing figure, an old man stood before us. He appeared frail and weathered, as if he were a forgotten volume, left to gather dust on a shelf for decades. His appearance was a stark contrast to the grandeur of the Markus Manor and its gardens.

I mustered a polite greeting, "Hello," as I addressed the elderly man, my voice filled with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

The elderly man's eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity as he gazed at us, a small, enigmatic smile dancing on his lips. He inquired about our names, and I quickly decided to use an alias, not entirely certain of the situation we were walking into. I answered, "Duncan, Olivia Duncan," my voice steady but tinged with unease.

The man's gaze shifted to Remus and James, who stood beside me, their expressions guarded and alert. After a brief moment of consideration, he decided to grant us entry, pushing the door further open. We stepped cautiously into the grand interior of the Markus Manor, unsure of what awaited us within.

As we entered the Markus Manor, we found ourselves standing in a grand entrance that exuded an air of opulence and elegance. The vast space was adorned with intricately designed architecture and exquisite furnishings. The walls were lined with ornate wood paneling, and the floor beneath our feet was made of polished marble, its surface reflecting the soft light that emanated from the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

The chandelier itself was a breathtaking masterpiece, a dazzling centerpiece that captivated our attention. Its crystal prisms and delicate metalwork sparkled and shimmered, casting a warm and enchanting glow throughout the entrance hall. The play of light and shadows created a sense of grandeur and beauty, adding to the overall sense of sophistication in this remarkable space.

The grand entrance of the Markus Manor was a testament to the family's wealth and prestige, a blend of history and luxury that left us in awe as we stood under the resplendent chandelier, unsure of what lay ahead.

As the elderly man closed and locked the door behind us, a wave of unease washed over me, and I shot a quick, worried glance at James. The subtle click of the lock reverberated through the grand entrance, sealing us within the opulent confines of the Markus Manor. My heart began to race, and a sense of uncertainty hung in the air.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, my anxiety growing as we found ourselves further entangled in this mysterious and potentially perilous situation.

"Right this way, we've been expecting you," The elderly man, with his small and enigmatic smile, motioned for us to follow him and led us deeper into the manor. We entered a well-appointed hall, the walls adorned with intricate tapestries and portraits of generations past.

James, his nervousness evident, couldn't help but voice his concerns. "I'm sorry, but... you've been expecting us?" he inquired, his voice tinged with anxiety. His hands released their hold on his jacket, a sign of his growing unease.

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