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I wanted to put a warning in, just so you are aware that there is a part in this chapter there is a few moments of abuse. If you are not comfortable reading that you can skip to the next chapter.

In the dimly lit room, the air felt heavy with tension and uncertainty. My heart raced as I sat on the floor, my back pressed against the cold, stone wall. Beside me, James, Remus, and Sirius shared a look that spoke volumes without a word. We were trapped, cornered in this small, windowless chamber with no clear way out.

Sirius, still clutching his wounded side, had managed to slow the bleeding. His face, though marked with pain, remained determined. Remus, ever the voice of reason, was deep in thought, his brows furrowed with worry. James, my brave and headstrong brother, maintained a stern expression, his determination evident in his eyes.

Silence settled around us like a heavy shroud, broken only by the muffled sounds of footsteps and hushed conversations from beyond the door. We were hidden away in this dark, confined space, prisoners of our circumstances. The Death Eaters that had captured us seemed to be busy, but for how long, we couldn't be sure. Our only advantage was the element of surprise, and we needed to plan our escape wisely.

"We are so fucked," James whispered.

"Language, James," Remus replied with a weary sigh. "We need a plan, and we need one fast."

Sirius nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on the door as if expecting it to burst open at any moment. I, too, felt the weight of the situation pressing down on us.

"We can't stay here," I finally spoke, my voice trembling but determined. "We have to find a way out."

The room was small, with no apparent means of escape, but we couldn't afford to give in to despair. We had to find a way to outsmart our captors, to prove that even in the darkest of times, we were not helpless. Together, we would find a way to survive this ordeal and reunite with Kas and the rest of our friends.

"He got us into this mess," James directed at Sirius.

"You didn't have to come after me," Sirius retorted.

"Enough," Remus interjected, his voice filled with frustration. "Arguing won't get us out of here. We need a plan, and we need it now."

The tension in the room was palpable as we sat there, contemplating our next move. The situation was dire, and our options were limited, but we had to find a way to escape and ensure the safety of our friends and ourselves. It was a daunting task, but we couldn't afford to give up. We were united by a common goal—to survive and resist the dark forces that sought to control us.

I approached the locked door, frustration building with each futile attempt to open it. "It's no use, it's magically locked," I said, my voice tinged with desperation.

James, his eyes filled with worry, chimed in, "Our parents will notice we're missing. They'll come looking for us, Dess. We just have to hang on a bit longer."

Sirius remained silent, his jaw clenched in anger and regret. It was a heavy burden he carried—knowing that his actions had led us into this perilous situation. But none of us blamed him; we were determined to get through this together.

The hours passed slowly, the room feeling smaller with each passing minute, as we clung to the hope that help would arrive.

As the door creaked open, a sense of dread washed over me. Avery and Dolohov stood in the doorway, their faces twisted with cruel smiles. Before I could react, they reached out, seizing my arm in a painful grip. I gasped as they yanked me to my feet, and my heart pounded in my chest. James and Sirius both tried to intervene, but they were quickly overpowered by the two Death Eaters.

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