The Marauders Map

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The Potions classroom was abuzz with the students' chatter as Professor Slughorn went on about the Slug Club, his prized collection of students he believed would go on to achieve great things. I exchanged a glance with Sirius, who rolled his eyes at the mention of the club.

Slughorn was in his element, gushing over students who had achieved something noteworthy over the summer. He was like a connoisseur of talent, relishing the thought of the connections he could make to benefit himself.

I leaned over to whisper to Sirius, "This Slug Club thing... it's all about networking, isn't it? I don't think I want to be part of that."

Sirius chuckled softly. "You're not missing out on much. It's mostly about Slughorn's collection of bright young minds he can brag about to his colleagues. Let's just focus on surviving this class."

We turned our attention back to Slughorn's monologue, grateful that we had each other to make these seemingly tedious classes a bit more bearable.

The door to the Potions classroom creaked open, and the entire class turned to look. Kas Markus walked in, an air of casual confidence about him. It was unusual to see him in a Potions class, especially after what had transpired over the summer.

Sirius shot me a knowing look, his eyebrows raised. He couldn't help but wonder what had brought Kas to the class, considering the troubled circumstances of our last encounter.

Kas made his way to an empty seat, and Professor Slughorn greeted him warmly, seemingly unfazed by the surprise entrance. The rest of the students exchanged puzzled glances and whispers, trying to piece together what had prompted Kas to join the class.

As Professor Slughorn continued his lecture, I leaned toward Sirius, speaking in hushed tones.

"Sirius, did you notice that Kas didn't say a word about the Markus Manor back there, and now he's just back here at Hogwarts like nothing happened?"

Sirius furrowed his brow, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Yeah, it's strange, Dess. Do you think he's here on our side, or is he just trying to play both sides of the fence?"

I shrugged, my gaze shifting back to Kas, who was taking notes as if he'd never been absent. "I don't know, but something about this doesn't feel right. We need to keep an eye on him."

Sirius nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. We shared a lingering glance before turning our attention back to the potion being brewed, but the unease of Kas Markus's reappearance in our lives lingered like a shadow over our classroom.

While I was lost in thought during Professor Slughorn's lecture, my determination to confront Kas about the recent events only grew stronger. I knew that I had to get answers from him, not just for my own peace of mind but for the safety of all of us involved. I silently resolved to find a way to speak with Kas and unearth the truth about his allegiances and actions during our tumultuous summer.

As the four boys gathered in the common room, they were deeply engrossed in a hushed conversation about their latest creation.

James, with a triumphant grin, spoke up, "It's finally done, guys."

I couldn't help my curiosity and asked, "Done? What are you talking about?"

James pulled out a piece of parchment from his bag, unfolded it, and solemnly declared, "The Marauder's Map."

As he laid it out on the table, the parchment suddenly revealed the entire Hogwarts grounds, including the interior of the castle. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.

I stared in awe, "Wow, this is incredible. How does it work?"

Remus chuckled and said, "It's a long story, Dess. Let's just say we had our fair share of adventures in our early years, and the map was a result of some magical mischief we pulled."

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