Foul Play

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As I descended the stairs into the common room, a wave of concern washed over me. James, Sirius, and Peter were gathered in a huddled group in the corner, their voices hushed and their expressions fraught with worry. It was an unusual sight, and I couldn't help but wonder what had transpired to put them in this state.

I approached the group, my heart pounding with apprehension. "What's going on, guys?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

James looked up, his face unreadable. "It's Kas," he said, his voice low. "He's left Hogwarts."

My stomach twisted into knots. Kas had already been through so much, and now he had vanished from Hogwarts without a word. I exchanged glances with Sirius, our curiosity mirrored in each other's eyes.

"What happened?" I pressed.

Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We don't know all the details, but it seems like his family pulled him out of school. There were some heated letters exchanged."

Did this perhaps tie into what he was talking about I needed to listen to him, Kas didn't deserve to be caught up in his family's dangerous affairs. "Kas said something the other day about needing help," I said.

James nodded, the wheels in his head turning. "Maybe-."

"Maybe, this has to do with my brother," Sirius suggested, looking at me. "Drew Markus was arrested this morning," He handed me the newspaper.

Daily Prophet Exclusive: Drew Markus, Renowned Journalist, Arrested Amidst Controversy

London, March 27th – In a shocking turn of events, Drew Markus, a respected journalist known for his insightful articles on the Black family, has been arrested under mysterious circumstances. Mr. Markus, who has long been an esteemed contributor to the Daily Prophet, was taken into custody yesterday.

The circumstances surrounding Mr. Markus's arrest remain shrouded in secrecy. Authorities have provided no official statement, leading to rampant speculation about the reasons behind this surprising development. Mr. Markus is renowned for his coverage of the Black family, one of the most influential wizarding families in Britain. His articles, often delving into the family's history and its connections to the wizarding world, have earned him both praise and criticism.

Furthermore, in a related incident, Mr. Markus's son, Kas Markus, a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has been withdrawn from the school. This sudden departure raises further questions about the Markus family's involvement in recent events.

The withdrawal of Kas Markus from Hogwarts has sparked concerns among the wizarding community. Hogwarts officials declined to comment on the matter, fueling speculation that it is linked to his father's arrest.

Despite the veil of secrecy surrounding these events, many in the wizarding world await more information. The Daily Prophet will continue to investigate and report on this unfolding story. The arrest of a prominent journalist like Drew Markus raises significant questions about freedom of the press, accountability, and the delicate balance between journalism and the wizarding elite.

As the investigation unfolds, the wizarding community can only wonder what revelations may come to light regarding the Markus family and their connections to the influential Black family.

"What?" I slowly looked up from the paper.

Sirius nodded, taking it back, "Yeah, it's a little suspicious, he comes talking to you that he needs help and then he suddenly is drawn from school."

I looked between the boys, "where's Remus?" I asked noticing he wasn't present.

James and Sirius exchanged a look, "you know library probably," James lied.

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