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A week passed since the tryouts and everyone's nerves were thrown under the roof about whether they made the team. Odessa had woken up that morning and checked the post-board for the announcements of the group.

To her disappointment, the only thing on the board was a different announcement.
October 31st
Great Hall
8-11 p.m.
Fifth-years and up may attend.

Dessa couldn't worry about that just yet, she needed to make the quidditch team before she worried about a formal in a month. The door to the common room swung open, Professor McGonagall entered in her bedroom robe and slippers.

"Good morning, Professor," Dessa greeted.

Professor McGonagall jumped and looked at the young Gryffindor. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I wanted to see if the teams were out yet, but I see they are not," She said glancing down at the piece of paper in McGonagall's hand.

"Well-" the older lady start folding the piece of paper in half, "They will be posted once everyone is at breakfast."

Odessa let out a small sigh, she knew the paper in Professor McGonagall's hands was the paper she had been so desperately waiting for, for a week. She gave the older witch a smile before moving around her and out the common room door, It was six in the morning everyone else would not start to wake until almost seven.

Dessa headed to the bridge just outside the courtyard that went over the valley that led down to Hagrid's hut and the quidditch pitch. They hadn't seen much of Hagrid this year Rumor had it a family member died and he was deeply upset about it.

The cool air hit her the moment she stepped outside it was the first time it had felt cold in three months. She pulled her Gryffindor robes around herself tighter making her way across the bridge.

She stopped halfway across, Remus was sitting on the ground, back against the wooden side reading a transfiguration book.

"What are you going out here?" She asked.

He slowly looked up from his book, "Couldn't sleep, you?" He asked.

"Same, I wanted to know if I made the team or not but just as I was looking Professor McGonagall came in with the paper and told me later."

Remus chuckled, "That's got to hurt, just out of reach."

Dessa nodded her head, "Yeah, I almost grabbed the paper and ran. however, I did not fancy detention seventeen days into the school year."

"You would still be doing better than James," Remus noted, remembering the three detentions he had already maybe it was just two, he couldn't remember.

"This is true," Dessa took a seat across the bridge, leading against the wooden side. "What are you reading?" She asked.

"A book," he closed it.

"Really?" She said sarcastically; " About what?"

"Transfiguration," He replied putting it back in his bag. Dessa didn't say anything hoping he would eliabrate. "Animagi," He said more specifically.

"Animagi? we learned that two years ago," Dessa questioned. Remus nodded his head, James would kill him if he told Dessa why and what it was for. Despite knowing each other since the first year Dessa still did not know his secret nor was it her place to know.

"I am considering getting registered with the ministry," He lied. She knew it, Remus never lied and when he did he would always have a quick response that didn't sound a single bit like him.

"I hope you pass," Dessa pulled her knees to her chest to try and trap the warm inside, making a tent with her knees and school robes.

he chuckles, "It's not something you pass on, you just learn how to do it and get registered, like driving a muggle car."

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