Rivals Among Friends

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The day of the first Quidditch match had arrived, and the sunbathed Hogwarts in a golden glow. The Great Hall was abuzz with excitement, conversations revolving around the highly anticipated match between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"How are you eating?" James shot at me, a teasing grin on his face.

I chuckled, taking a sip of orange juice. "Because, my dear brother, you told me not to try out this year, so I don't have anything to be worried about."

James glanced at Sirius, who shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't get worked up over it," he offered, taking a bite of toast.

The camaraderie in the Great Hall was palpable, and the energy of the approaching match permeated the air. Gryffindor was eager to reclaim the Quidditch Cup, and the anticipation of witnessing James, Sirius, and the rest of the team in action added to the overall excitement.

As the chatter continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that I wasn't entangled in the nerves that accompanied being a Quidditch player. Instead, I could enjoy the match as a spectator, supporting my friends from the sidelines.

"We should get going to get ready," James said, standing up with an air of determination. Sirius nodded, high-fiving James, and together, they left the Great Hall. Remus, Peter, and I were left at the table, the anticipation of the upcoming match lingering in the air.

I watched as they exited, and at that very moment, Lily entered. James stopped to give Lily a kiss on the cheek before leaving. As I observed the exchange, a pang of guilt resurfaced. I knew I had to tell James about what Lily had said, but figuring out how to broach the subject remained a challenge.

"What has gotten into James?" Lily asked, joining us at the table.

"It's the first Quidditch match. He's nervous," Peter informed her.

"Good morning, Dess," she greeted, taking a piece of toast.

"Hi," I replied, my mind preoccupied with the impending conversation.

After breakfast, a sense of urgency propelled me to the Quidditch pitch, hoping to catch the boys before they entered the field. More importantly, I wanted to speak with Sirius. I approached the tent on the Gryffindor side, where the team was likely preparing for the match.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement as the crowd started to fill the stands, eager for the Quidditch spectacle. I scanned the area, spotting James, Sirius, and the rest of the team near the tent.

Sirius glanced over as I stuck my head into the tent. James, focused on his preparations, didn't notice or care, but Sirius caught my eye and excused himself from the team. He was dressed in his Gryffindor keeper attire, and I couldn't help but appreciate how good he looked.

As soon as Sirius was clear of the tent, he pulled me in for a kiss. For a brief moment, the weight of the impending conversation lifted, and everything else faded away.

"Good luck, Mr. Black," I said, pulling away.

"Always," he replied, smirking slightly as he kissed me quickly once more before pulling away.

"Don't get hurt again," I said, my words carrying a hint of concern, a reference to the events of the previous spring.

"I'll do my best," he reassured me, his eyes locking onto mine with a mixture of sincerity and determination.

With a final glance, Sirius returned to the team, leaving me standing just outside the tent. The cheers of the crowd grew louder as the match was about to begin. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the conversation I needed to have with James.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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