After Hours

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Authors Note:

We are switching things up a bit and diving into the first-person POV! I am super excited and nervous to be trying this! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it.

(Odessa's POV)

Where are they going?

I waited hours for them to come back, but they never did. Half past one in the morning, I decided to go to bed. Lily was fast asleep when I arrived in the girl's dorm. I laid in bed for another hour before finally giving in.

The following morning, I was awoken by Lily, who was dressed and looked like she had been up for hours. I forced my eyes open before closing them again and rolling over. I hated mornings more than anything.

"Dessa, get up! You missed Care of Magical Creatures," Lily said, pulling off my warm blankets.

"Hey!" I squealed as the cold air was a sudden shock to my body.

"Get up!" Lily was stern as she opened my truck and tossed my robes at me.

"Okay, okay, I am up!" I rolled my eyes as I crawled out of bed and quickly got ready, not bothering to fix my hair. I followed her to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. We sat at the second desk.

"Where were you this morning?" James asked.

"Where did you go last night?" I raised a brow, sitting down. Sirius leaned over James and looked at me, "Don't you just look lovely." I gave him a rude hand gesture. He smirked and opened his book.

"James can you worry about what you are doing and not everyone else, You were after hours last night," Lily said, taking a seat next to me.

"Yes, because I was planning to ask you out," James said, he was lying and I knew it.

"Well, I am saying no," Lily said coldly.

I chuckled slightly as Professor Fraser entered the room, the door slamming behind her as she entered. The room fell silent, She leaned against her desk crossing her arms and looking around at everyone, her eyes said it all, and she was not happy.

"Ms. Potter!"

I looked up at her, why was she calling on me? Had I done something wrong?

"Yes, Professor?" I asked.

"Come here," She stood up straight pulling her wand out. I slowly got to my feet and stood up, making my way to the front of the room, James and Sirius snickering in the back.

"You to Mr. Black," Professor Fraser's voice was stern, There would be no silliness today.

James and Sirius fell silent.

"What?" Sirius repeated.

"I said you too, it's not a foreign language, come up here."

I watched as Sirius got to his feet and slowly walked to the front of the room, James tried not to laugh his face turning red.

"Ms. Potter, do you have your wand?" She asked me. I nodded my head, I didn't know if I did or not I left in such a hurry this morning late to class I might have forgotten it.

"Good, you have your?" She turned to Sirius who nodded his head ever so slightly.

"Today, we will be duelling, with the dark lord on the move as of this morning it's getting more dangerous for you youngin's to out and about not being able to defend yourself if his followers decide to attack you."

On the move? He-who-must-not-be-named was on the move again? to where? what was he doing planning?

"Ms. Potter and Mr. Black will demonstrate."

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