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"Where is my sister?" James mumbled, mostly to himself.

"Late as always?" Sirius responded uninterested and uninterrupted as he drew a skeleton hand on the piece of parchment Professor McGonagall had handed out only minutes before.

"Sirius, that is not for drawing," Remus snatched the parchment just as Sirius had snatched his book only days before.

"My sister is late, especially if she is with Lily," James strained his neck towards the door to see if his sister was entering only to find another Slytherin. The four of them had gotten to class relatively early and by early I mean five minutes late.

"Sirius, this is actually really good, when did you learn how to draw?" Remus stared at the page.

"Since I was born?" Sirius grabbed the paperback just as Professor McGonagall stopped in front of their desks.

"Mr. Potter, do you know where your sister is?" She asked, handing Sirius another blank page and telling him not to draw on it or there would be a detention handed out. James shrugged his shoulders, he wasn't his sister's keeper. Professor McGonagall said nothing before she headed to the other side of the room to hand out parchment to the Slytherins.

The wooden door at the back of the room suddenly opened and the two Gryffindor girls ran in panting. All eyes shifted to where they stood at the back. A few Slytherins giggled and whispers surrounded the room.

"Fifteen minutes late."

"I know," was all Odessa could say, she was late for the first time this year and on the first day.

"I expect better of you Ms. Potter and especially you Ms. Evans," McGonagall placed two blank pages on the desk at the very front of the room.

Odessa launched into defending herself as she always did, "We forgot that the classrooms had changed and I know it's on our schedules but we left them in our dorms by accident, Professor I am so sorry this won't happen again."

"Sit," Was all she replied with.

Glancing over at her brother James shot his sister a glare, Her biggest flaw was going defensive anytime someone accused her of something she did or didn't do. The two girls took their seats at the front of the room, eyes now piercing their backs.

"To begin class today, I want you all to fill the parchment with useful information about Inanimatus Conjurus Spell which you will find on page three of your textbook. Tomorrow we will be practising it."

"What is that?" Odessa asked Lily who had already started scribbling words down on her page.

"Didn't you do the summer reading?" She paused and asked. Dessa shook her head and looked back at her book, She hated reading more than anything it was a chore. Turning to page three she found some information about Inanimatus Conjurus.

Definition: Spell to alter room design

She wrote the six words on her page, how was she going to write a foot about it?

"James, the quidditch sign-up sheets were put out today," Sirius started.

"I signed up, As a returning player and hopefully captain next year I should automatically get a position," James spoke confidently, Quidditch, his friends, and Lily were his life. Remus paused and looked at James, he wasn't guaranteed a spot even if he was good, someone who was better could take his spot.

"What?" James asked Remus.

"No one is guaranteed a position, there are three chasers in quidditch."

"Sirius, are you playing?" James ignored Remus.

"Yes, if I make the team."

"You will, You are the best keeper in Gryffindor History," James flung his hands knocking Peter in the head.

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