Diagon Alley

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The night enveloped the house in a shroud of silence, and I lay in bed, my restless thoughts pulling me in every direction. Tossing and turning, I couldn't escape the memories that haunted me. With a sigh, I finally pushed the covers away and decided to take action. The urge to talk to Sirius had been gnawing at me, and I couldn't ignore it any longer.

Slipping out of my room, I navigated the dimly lit corridor. The floorboards creaked gently beneath my weight, but I tried to step as lightly as possible. The house was cast in shadows, and it seemed like I was the only one stirring at this late hour. Finally, I reached Sirius's door and hesitated for a moment. Would he even be awake? But I couldn't go back to my room without trying. So, I gave the door a soft knock, hoping it wouldn't disturb him too much.

Sirius opened the door quietly, and his gray eyes met mine as I stepped inside. He closed the door gently behind me, leaning against it with a thoughtful expression. The soft moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting an ethereal glow in the room. For a moment, we just stood there, locked in silence.

"Hey," I finally broke the quiet, my voice soft and uncertain.

Sirius nodded in acknowledgment but didn't say anything. His gaze was intense, and I could feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air between us. The tension in the room was palpable, a reflection of the complex emotions that had built up over time.

I took a step closer, breaking the silence with my concern. "How's your wound?" I asked, my eyes darting down to his side, where I knew the injury had been.

Sirius let out a small, wry smile. "It's getting better, thanks to your help," he replied, his fingers briefly touching the bandage that covered the wound. "But you didn't come here in the middle of the night just to ask about that, did you?"

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "No, not exactly," I admitted, my voice slightly hesitant. "I couldn't sleep. My mind is racing, and there are so many things I need to talk about. Things I need to understand."

Sirius pushed himself away from the door and walked over to his bed taking a seat.

"Nightmares about what happened. Mum and dad were so mad," I paused.

Sirius could sense my unease as I hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. "No, it's not your fault," he assured me, his voice gentle. "None of this is on you, Dess. We all made our choices, and we've got to face the consequences."

The room remained cloaked in silence, and we sat side by side on his bed, gazing into each other's eyes. The weight of our shared experiences and the looming challenges ahead seemed to press upon us, but in that moment, there was an unspoken understanding that we could find solace in each other.

Sirius reached out, his fingers lightly tracing the outline of my cheek. The tenderness in his touch sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but lean closer, our faces drawing nearer.

Our breaths mingled in the quiet room, the anticipation of what might happen next hanging in the air. The world outside faded away, and it was just the two of us, lost in the intensity of the moment.

And then, our lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring us together. It was a moment that felt like an eternity, filled with unspoken emotions and the promise of the journey we would face together.

In that dark room, in the midst of uncertainty, we found a flicker of light, a connection that went beyond words and battles. It was a kiss that spoke of courage, of love, and of a bond that could withstand the darkest of times.

Sirius withdrew from the kiss, his eyes locked onto mine, and he spoke softly, his voice filled with determination. "Dessy, we can't keep running from our feelings. James may not understand now, but he'll have to accept us eventually. I can't keep pretending I don't care about you, or that I'm not in love with you."

Open Wounds (Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now