Daily Prophet

369 9 5

Dessa blinked.

She stood in front of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team sign-up sheets. Was this what she really wanted to do? two years. The fire cracked in the fireplace as it slowly started to die. The room illuminated the common room, the last of the embers burning out. Everyone had gone to bed she had waited for Lily to fall asleep to sneak down and sign up. She knew Lily would tell her not to do it.

"Remember what happened last time," Lily would say.

She reached up and wrote 'Odessa Potter.'

"Didn't think you were actually going to sign up after James said no."

She jumped before turning to see who was speaking to her. Sirius Black stood a few feet away. She rolled her eyes and put the quill back on the shelf where she had gotten it from.

"Yes well, I am capable of doing things on my own."

"I didn't say you couldn't," He crossed his arms before adding, "Why are you up so late?"

She looked at him, he was still dressed in his school uniform. His dark curly hair was dishevelled, and he looked tired. "I could ask you the same thing, Black," She tied her bathrobe tightly around her waist.

"I was in the library," He said quickly. Odessa raised a brow, "liar."

He chuckled before walking past her and writing his name under her name on the quidditch sign-up sheet writing (Keeper) next to it.

"Do I have to put a position I want to play down?" She asked.

Sirius shook his head returning the quill where she had just returned it herself. "No, I did because no one will try and take it if I do. I am just too good to be replaced," he smirked in her direction. She rolled her eyes once more, he wasn't funny.

"Goodnight," She turned on her heels and made her way to the girl's dorm.

The next morning was a rainy day, most were around this time. Dessa dressed in her school robes and braided her hair in two before helping Lily straighten her hair using a spell they found in a book last year.

Making their way to the great hall for breakfast James ran up next to them, soon joined by the other three, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. "Go on a date with Evans? this weekend, Three Broomsticks just us."

Lily stopped, looking at him in disbelief, Dessa knew right away she would refuse him.

"James-" Dessa started when Sirius hushed her putting his finger to his lips.

"I am not going on a date with you no matter how many times you ask," Lily said sternly.

Odessa gave Sirius the look that said, "See I could have told you that." He shrugged.

"Come on Evans, I am the most handsome person in this school, you can't possibly refuse me?" He almost begged.

"As if," I mumbled, receiving a side look from Remus and Sirius.

"I just did, Potter. So can you please leave me alone now?" She asked pushing passed him. Odessa looked at her brother, he mouthed what? "She will go out with me eventually, I just have to be persistent. She will soon realise that Snevelious is a-"

"Is a WHaT?" Lily had come marching back, her face was almost as red as her hair.

"Lily all I am saying is he's a dimwit, you deserve someone like me," he placed a hand on his chest. Odessa's mouth fell open, someone like James? James? James is someone who doesn't get what he wants he bullies them, or worse jinxes them repeatedly.

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