The Partial Truth

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The morning was a blur. I spent much of my morning trying to remember what had happened last night. I hadn't seen my brother or his friends all morning. I ate breakfast in the great hall with Kas and Anne before heading to Transfiguration's class with Kas.

"So the first quidditch match is next week. I was wondering if you wanted to come watch me play?" He said, A moment of silence.

"I was already going to come," I smiled at him.

"Well, I mean sit with my friends in the Ravenclaw section," He added.

"Oh?" I stopped walking, he turned and looked at me.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I've been thinking..."

I looked around to see if anyone was watching. No one minded their own business, but I think I was looking to see if my brother was anywhere where he could see this.

"Will you come to the dance with me?" He smiled.

The dance? The Halloween dance? With Kassian Markus?

"Yes," I said, not thinking about it. He gave me a kind smile and walked me to the class. Sitting with the ravenclaws I sat with Anne. I wanted to tell her that he had asked me to the dance, but I kept my mouth quiet. I didn't want everyone to think I was dating him or anything.

Professor McGonagall walked in tapping her wand in her left hand. She turned on her heels and looked at the class. She eyed everyone, "I understand that you all are excited for the first quidditch match and the dance. However, you all need to keep focus on your work. Today-" She was interrupted by James jumping from his seat.

"Professor, I have a question!"

I looked over at him, "What the?" I whispered to Anne and looked over at him.

"Mr. Potter, can it wait?" Professor McGonagall asked. James shook his head and looked at Lily, "Lily Evans, may I do the honour of escorting you to the dance?" Everyone looked at Lily was sitting with Severus Snape.

"James, what are you doing?" I whispered, and he waved me off with a hand.

Sirius sat beside him and rubbed his face with embarrassment.

"James, I am not going to the dance with you," Lily said.

"Why not?" James said, "I just asked you in front of everyone you can't refuse!" He gestured to the room of students.

"I just did," She turned back to her book quickly.

I watched as James took a seat resting his chin in the palm of his hand, Sirius gave him an apologetic look. He didn't say anything the rest of the class, that is the third time this year she had refused to go out with him. James walked in silence as I walked with them back to the common room.

"James, you can ask someone else," I tried.

"No, I wanted to go with Lily," He snapped, "She's the only one I would go with."

I sighed not saying anything for a moment, Lily would never go out with him. She said that from day one first year she would never date someone like James. I wanted to say James was fully in Love with her, but so was Snape and neither one got her but it is safe to say Snape would probably win over James. He didn't embarrass her in front of the entire class.

"Dessa?" Remus said.

"Hmm, what?" I looked at them.

"I asked if you were going with anyone?"

I looked at him, should I say no? That would be lying.

"Yes, I am."

James, Sirius, and Remus stopped walking. Peter and I took a few more steps before stopping and turning to face them. James furrowed his brows at me.

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