Shadows of Deception

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The figures, cloaked in darkness, moved with an eerie and unsettling purpose as they entered the Leaky Cauldron. An aura of foreboding settled over the room, casting a palpable unease among the patrons. Murmurs of concern rippled through the crowd as they exchanged nervous glances, and conversations fell to a hushed whisper.

Kassian and I shared a quick, worried glance, recognizing that these newcomers were no ordinary patrons. The air grew heavy with an oppressive silence as they advanced further into the room.

One of the figures broke from the group and stepped toward the bar. The haggard innkeeper, Tom, who had seen his fair share of suspicious characters over the years, greeted the newcomer with a strained smile.

"Evenin' folks," Tom greeted, his voice trembling. "What can I get for ya?"

The hooded figure's response was a chilling whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "Information. We're looking for someone."

As the figure's dark eyes swept over the room, I couldn't help but wonder who they were searching for and why they had come to the Leaky Cauldron with such an ominous presence.

Kassian and I remained still, unsure of our next move, as we watched the scene unfold.

The Leaky Cauldron's patrons exchanged nervous glances, a mixture of curiosity and fear dancing in their eyes. The newcomer's words had cast a dark pall over the otherwise bustling establishment, and it was clear that something sinister was afoot.

The hooded figure leaned in closer to Tom, their voice barely a whisper, yet I strained to hear. "We're looking for a boy. A Ravenclaw student. Have you seen him?"

Tom hesitated, his eyes darting toward the corner where Kassian and I sat. It was evident that he recognized the description. The tension in the room was palpable, and I silently willed Tom not to reveal anything.

A bead of sweat trickled down Tom's forehead as he stammered, "I... I can't say I've seen any students around here, folks."

The hooded figure's response was a cold chuckle, sending a shiver down my spine. "You'd be wise not to withhold information from us, innkeeper."

As the figure turned away from Tom and rejoined the group, I exchanged a worried look with Kassian. It was clear that they were searching for him, and the dangerous game he had been playing by infiltrating the Dark Lord's circle had put us all at risk.

We were caught in the crosshairs of forces we could hardly comprehend. Our quest for the truth had never felt more perilous, and we had to tread carefully if we were to protect the secrets we held and ensure our own safety.

"We need to leave," Kas whispered urgently, and I nodded in agreement. We needed to slip away discreetly, avoiding any confrontation with the ominous figures who were now circling the room, their attention fixated on the innkeeper, Tom.

We remained seated, doing our best not to draw attention. Kas's gaze shifted toward the wall, his eyes fixed on a point as he tried to appear as inconspicuous as possible. The tension in the air was thick, and the hooded figures continued to press Tom for information.

I couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation closing in around us. Every second felt like an eternity, and the need for a swift and quiet exit was paramount. We had to find a way to evade this perilous encounter and continue our quest for answers in the shadows.

My heart pounded in my chest as one of the hooded men suddenly grabbed Kassian out of the booth, gripping him by the collar with an iron grip. Gasping in fear, I jumped to my feet, moving closer to the wall to avoid drawing any more attention. In the chaos that had erupted, another of the hooded figures seized me, yanking me out of the booth.

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