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I couldn't help but feel anxious as I paced back and forth outside the hospital wing. Lily's words of caution echoed in my mind, but I couldn't stop the nervous energy that had taken hold of me. The wait felt like an eternity, and every minute that passed without seeing Sirius made my worry intensify.

Lily, on the other hand, seemed more composed, leaning casually against the wall. Her calm demeanour was in stark contrast to my restless pacing, but I appreciated her presence. She was my anchor in moments like these.

I continued to glance at the closed door of the hospital wing, hoping for any sign that we could finally go in and see Sirius. My mind was filled with thoughts of him, and I couldn't wait to make sure he was okay.

The doors opened and the nurse came out, "You can see him now."

"Thank you," I said to the nurse, my heart filled with a mix of anxiety and relief. Lily and I followed her into the hospital wing and made our way to the bed where Sirius was resting. He looked much paler than usual, his eyes closed as he lay still.

I approached his bedside, my heart aching at the sight of him injured. "Sirius," I whispered, gently touching his hand.

He stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. For a moment, he seemed disoriented, but then recognition dawned in his eyes, and a small, weak smile formed on his lips. "Hey," he said softly.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Hey yourself. How are you feeling?"

He winced slightly as he attempted to sit up, then settled back against the pillows. "Like I got hit by a Bludger," he replied with a weak chuckle. "But I've been worse."

Lily took a seat on the other side of his bed. "You gave us quite a scare out there."

Sirius's gaze shifted between us. "I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to."

I shook my head, relief washing over me. "Don't apologize. We're just glad you're okay."

Sirius reached out and took my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine. "Thanks for being here."

The room was silent for a moment, the weight of what had happened still hanging in the air. Sirius's grip on my hand tightened, and he broke the silence. "I thought you weren't coming to the game."

I gave a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. And look at you, taking that Bludger to the head just to impress me."

Sirius chuckled, though it was followed by a pained expression. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Lily chimed in, "You need to work on your idea of impressing a girl, Sirius."

He grinned despite the pain, his grey eyes sparkling. "Noted."

As we talked, I couldn't help but feel grateful that Sirius was going to be all right. It was a reminder that life was unpredictable, and it made me appreciate the moments we had together even more.

Lily excused herself, leaving Sirius and me alone in the hospital wing. I sat down on the edge of his bed, taking his hand in mine.

"You scared me, you know," I admitted softly, my voice filled with emotion.

Sirius reached out to gently cup my cheek with his uninjured hand, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry, Dessa. I didn't mean to."

I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes briefly. "Just promise me you won't do anything that reckless again."

He nodded, his thumb brushing across my cheek. "I promise."

We stayed like that for a while, our fingers entwined, silently grateful for each other's presence. It was a moment of quiet connection amidst the chaos of the world outside the hospital wing, and it made me cherish the bond we shared even more.

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