Chapter 4: Her explanation

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The sound made everyone fall on
Their knees and cover their ears.

"What the fu- what in the world was that
unholy scream?" Test tube loudly asked getting up.

"It was all of you guys punishment for arguing with some false accusations
not to mention some others who tried getting physical." Four angrily said,
"Anyway, the portals were all GBs fault."

"Wait, that... Golf ball. Isn't it one of
your objects? If so, isn't it you guys fault after all?" Knife commented.
Four just stared at him with a blank
expression, possibly planning on blasting him away but GB inturupted before anything like that actually happens.

"Look, I didn't mean to make the portals.
I can promise you that it wasn't my intentions at all! But either way, I am 99.09% sure I just made a portal to a
different realm!" Golf ball gasped in surprise, " That's even better than a stupid recovery senter." She muttered to herself.

I.I. Taco P.O.V:

I was woken up by the sound of soft
talking. Feeling where I was, I was in a... bed? What the heck happened while I was out? Knowing myself, I would normally
sleep on stuff like trees or bushes. The fact that I was in a bed... Confuses me.
"Oh, your awake. Good morning."

(Why did I draw gelatin like that?)

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(Why did I draw gelatin like that?)

This tall purple lollipop waved at me
with a calm expression on her face.
Nevertheless, the green jelly next to her
stared at me creepily like he was
trying to look at my soul or something.
"Where even am I?" I asked them both.

"Your in the BFB grounds, what's your
name?" Said the lollipop

" Taco."

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