Chapter 16: Sleep? never heard of it

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Golf ball P.O.V:

2AM. I have been working on this stupid portal machine for officially 12 hours, 33minutes and 27seconds. I am 79% sure that most of the objects here are already asleep.
....Sleep? I don't need THAT! The quicker I finish this the quicker everyone will appreciate me more and there is even a higher chance that is 85% that everyone would like me even more! I am a scientist after all. I work for the answers and people's sake.

More time had passed and I was still down here working on this dam thing. All of a sudden, I heard loud footsteps. I was in the 'fixing the wires' bit so I don't think I should go check right now... But the sound only got closer and closer. UGH fine I will go check!
On my way to check who was even awake at this hour, my leg got tangled.

"Golf ball? Why are you still up? I thought you promised the green liquid tube that you guys will work on it tomorrow morning! You should go to sleep for now." It was, to my 'surprise' Tennis ball.
"Sleep? SLEEP? I, as a great and good scientist, don't need that thing!" I said, realizing how dry and rusty my voice sounded.
"Golf ball you need the energy for tomorrow or you will just fall asleep
while you fix it and that will be so bad! It's not healthy for you to stay up all night." Just as Tennis ball was blabbering about sleep and about to drag me to bed, a strange sound was heard coming from the portal.

"Where am I? This isn't Narnia-  that was like, 45 seconds ago- SOURCREAM- Box sent Marshmallow to Space- go to the calm down corner." The machine made all kind of weird noises. But the colour wasn't like the one before... but maybe I was...

"Wow maybe we are getting close

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"Wow maybe we are getting close..." I muttered.
"Welp you're getting sleep. RIGHT NOW!"
Tennis ball shouted.
I didn't argue though, I was too amazed that I just kept glaring at what I have created.

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