Chapter 15: Friends?

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(sorry for not updating for two days. I have been busy lately but I promise I will make it up to you and update twice today)))

I.I. Taco P.O.V:

They told me I could stay here for the night instead of the hotel that Two made for the I.I. objects. Am so lucky I got the chance to run away before anyone I know walked in our of the door. It was probably for the best I avoid every inanimate insanity contestants for now, especially Mic and Pickle.

My problems weren't gone through. I couldn't sleep at all. It's been hours but I just can't seem to be getting tired at all.
At least not enough to fall asleep.
Maybe it was because my mind was occupied with what Mic had told me before the elimination.

'Is that what you said to Pickle?'

Was I too harsh on her? Did I force her too much? Was I too mean?

Maybe I just needed some fresh air. After all, no one is outside so this is my chance. I really need to be careful though. Who knows who is actually awake. This is different living breathing things after all.

I quickly but carefully go outside, making sure each time I am not getting followed or watched. I sit down near a bush just incase too.

"Mind if I sit Taco 2.0?" A voice from behind me said. It was a tall figure with a smoothing voice.
"Oh lollipop... umm sure I don't mind." I replied.

(I looked back at the first drawing I did of taco for this and I noticed I didn't lie about what I said)

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(I looked back at the first drawing I did of taco for this and I noticed I didn't lie about what I said)

"What's been on your brain?" The taller figure questioned.

"Oh nothing much, just... looking at the moon I guess."

"About the contest you were in... what were you even competing for?"

"Oh just money..."

" Money...? How much?"

"Lots." I sighed. I saw that Lollipop looked at me and raised both of her eyebrows while lowering her eyes.
"Sorry I just... it's been a while since I have been competing."
I suddenly felt my eyes slowly close, but I blinked quickly preventing myself to sleep here. But that didn't work as the last thing I saw before sun light was the grass getting closer to my face...

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