Chapter 26: Am not a villain

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Test Tube P.O.V:

'This Grey ball needs to be 'kept an eye
on' more often. Thanks to her, a portal opened up to another universe and caused more trouble.'
I hear that a lot from many people.
I listen to all the conversations around
me to know what is happening
at all times. That's what smart Scientists
do. What they don't do is cause big trouble
and make big mistakes. 'That Golf Ball
down in her own factory dares to call herself a 'Smart Scientist' when she literally
messed up big time for all of us'.
All the objects around me put the blame
on my old science partner. It surprises
me that they don't suspect me at all.
Ha they are all just a bunch of
Jeeb Weezer's.

"Heya Test Tube! How is the apology
going?" Fan came in my room, asking an
Odd question to me.
"An apology? To who?" I ask him, turning round on my chair to face him.
"To...Golf..Ball?? I thought it would be
best if you two made it up to each other..."
Fan said hesitantly and avoiding direct
I glared at him blankly as his smile grew
to frustration and worry.
"I-I thought... Um.." Fan stuttered
nervously which I thought he wouldn't do
Again as we grew so close and he mainly only grew nervous to people he didn't know as much.

I let it go and spinded back
round my sit.
"Whatever, why are you here?" I ask
him before sipping some coffee and continue on writing.
"Well I... I wanted to know why you
messed with the portal that day."
At this, I spat the coffee right out from surprise. I didn't think he would find out.
At least not anyone so soon.

"W-wha...? Oh so you think it's MY fault
that all this happened?!" I said nervously
as a spin round once more getting up from
my sit, facing straight at him.
"What??? Of course Not. Haha! Oh my
Test tube, have you always been so green?"
Fan stepped back as a got closer to him.
He shut the door when he got in but from
past experiences, he never once opened
the door at least not after I 'talk' to him.

"Explain what happened that
lead you to this absurd conclusion."
I demanded.
"Well, the thing is what happened was-"

Last night>>>>

Fan P.O.V (for only a very short time):

I went down to the Factory with Knife
as he just now wanted to dig deeper into this.
"Can't we do this in the morning?"
I ask while my hand was being pulled.

"Can't you hold your complaints till Morning? Besides, I am not totally 100%
dragging you into this. I offered you
and you accepted foolishly." Knife replied not once looking back at me.

As we went deeper, we heard the
sound of banging and crying, this made
me be alerted a bit. It sounded demonic not gonna lie though, the banging also had the same noise when a big object walks.
He stopped dragging me and we stopped
right Infront of Knife2s room. At his
first appearance, I was Afraid of him as he looked mischievous. When I saw what he was capable of, you bet I was scared more than ever.
Knife2 seemed to be in an extreme bad mood and it would be bad to disturb him.
Knife moved closer to the wall and after a while, told me to join him.
"They all are traitors. They all betrayed
me and took me for granted. I am strong,
I am smart, I am great. They are just jealous.

They are jealous of me.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous.

They are jealous."

He kept repeating that untill the sobs that
were heard became a bit louder.
"Am not a villain. They are! They locked
you up! And... me. They are the true villains!" Knife2 was locked up alone so
we had no clue who he was talking to.
I wished Knife didn't call him crazy and say he was just talking to himself.
I scolded him for saying that until Knife2 said something different.
"That tube is the one to blame.
She messed with it!" Knife2 really did
sound like he was talking to someone.


This story took Test tube for surprised.
She never would if figured that a weird
crazy object knew what she did.
But no matter what, she has to make sure no one else finds out.

789 words in total)))))

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