Chapter 6: Kinda alike

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Fan P.O.V:

I wanted to stay side to side with
Test tube since I really didn't want
to see or talk to the other objects. I wish
people understood why but am too weird
or awkward to even tell anyone. Only
Suitcase knows about it which makes me kinda proud of myself for opening up to someone.

Test tube on the other hand, she wanted to give a helping hand to the Golf ball from earlier since fixing the portal is gonna need some experts at science.

"Heyyy, Test tube.... Do you really want to help out a new different object?" I moan, complaining to her.
"It way better than staring into a screen all day. Besides, I want to get back to our realm as fast and as quick as possible." Test tube replies, clearly annoyed with me.
I wanted to say something to fight back against what she just said but I know it would just start a fight and annoy her a lot and I really don't want that to happen.

Time skip))))

"Wait, you are a scientist as well? That fantastic! The more big brained people the better." Golf ball said still amazed by the fact that she met a scientist like her.

They chatted away while working
and their conversation sounded like they have known eachother for ages. I had to admit, I was jealous.

(Would you believe me if I were to tell you that this picture took the longest to make?)

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(Would you believe me if I were to tell you that this picture took the longest to make?)

They took a break from work and still continued talking. I hated being here bored out of my mind but I hated it even more about this two talking about science stuff.
At some point I even asked why I was still here but eventually answered my own question. Where would I go? Even if I left I would have no idea where to go to.

"Um are you alright? You have been sitting there annoyed with a extremely bored look on your face." The sudden voice got me off guard and so I turn my head to see who it was. It was simply a Tennis ball who also had no arms.
"Your friends with that green tube right?"
Tennis ball asked.
"W-well um... yeah." I stuttered.
"Well you look really bored wouldn't you like to go outside?" She asked once again.
Me, not being good with holding conversation with new people, start saying random things as a reply.
"Well-uh si um no I- yea uhhh well I-." In panic and embarrassment, my body acts on its own and leaves the place running.
"Oh god... Why did I do that?" I said to myself, "Where do I go now?"

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