Chapter 31: Make my escape

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As we look at each objects well being,
Mephone4 himself isn't doing so well.
His desperate desire to just go back to his world and make new episodes of I.I.
He has large stacks of paper on his desk and his bin is filled with scrambled up paper and dead pens. He tries and think of
ideas but due to his lack of sleep, his brain can't focus. His frustration grew and
he was about to lose it.

Two, who was going round checking on
each and every object in the room,
came and opened the door with X
behind them. They could see the tiredness
and stress by just looking at him in this
"That's it. Your taking a relaxing
break pal. I mean... just look at you!
not to be rude or anything but ...
you look like a mess!" Two told
"No I can.... Work... More....."
Mephone even sounded exhausted.

"Fun Fact! If you lack sleep your mind
won't focus. You will become more unaware of your surroundings, it
would become very hard for you even
think and-!" X got interrupted by Two.

"What X is trying to say is... You should
take a day of rest." Two softly said.

After a long time of convincing, The two hosts finally got Mephone to agree to
take a break and sleep.

Change of locations))))))))

Microphone and knife are sprinting away
from this wild beast let lose while both
holding Knife2. Already struggling, Knife2
becomes nervous and starts to scream.
Knife had to convince himself the whole entire way to not just let go of Knife2.
As if their troubles weren't enough, because of Tacos unnatural speed, she was able to
catch up and strike. She hit the back of
Microphones head and let a mark.

This creates a great problem and
they were running out of ideas.
Knife2 especially, became a bigger problem
as he goes to screaming to also moving
around to break free from the grip on him.
Microphone was struggling to deal
with the injury at the back of her head
so it gave Knife an idea. Knife let's
got of Knife2 and began to run towards
a wall. Microphone, confused, followed
him while holding Knife2 arm.
The one he was gonna dig up already had a hole but Knife made it bigger and bigger.

"Knife! There is no time to play games!
What on earth are you doing?!" Mic
shouts at him but Knife doesn't stop.

"Just distract that ugly rotten so called
Taco for me. Trust me." Knife said nervously.
Microphone did what he said and pressed
her button. She screamed louder than before and she continued screaming
until Taco was at her knees, covering her
'nonexistent ears'.

Knife pulled her arm and Mic
stopped and pressed her button again.
She saw were they were directed.
To.. their universe? Microphone Looked back and Taco was already on her feat, ready to chase them once more.
said while running.
quickly responded.

When they go through the wall that
lead them to their home land...
Knife2 was able to escape her grip.
He pushed them both and went towards

They both fall to the grass still in shock.
"What the hell?" Knife said
"What on earth was he thinking?" Microphone said as well. As they got
up on their feet they see the hotel Infront of them.
"Are we really... Home?" They both said
as they glared at the building.

589!!! Another uneven number...)))))
Also!!! Announcement...
There is a Fanfic I will create right after this one. It will be posted a day after this fanfic
finishes! I already am doing the cover and because you all are great people... I will let you see the unfinished drawing!!!

Next chapter.)))))

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