Chapter 37: G O N E

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Golf ball P.O.V:

When I walked out of Test tubes room
I only had one thing in my mind.
And that was how wrong she was.
Nobody hated me. At least not anymore.
Tennis ball was actually the one convincing me to not ban her from ever coming back.
I mean- I have reason but apparently
she doesn't seem like it would be very
'nice' of me. Well now I actually
HAVE a reason to ban her! This plan
of mine is totally gonna work! I am
99.98% sure this will work to the very end anyway.
Its actually all thanks to Test Tube actually!
Let me explain...
I have been keeping an eye out for
Test Tube since the incident.
When Test tube used violence to
get that piece of paper I knew it was something important.
Even if I waited for a long time, I still was
able to see what the paper had on it.
I hadn't taken it for obvious reasons
but that's not important.
What is important was that I planned
the whole thing. I knew Test tube
was gonna ignore me. I knew she was
gonna lose it when I said it was her fault.
And my 'tears' were nothing but fake.
What? You didn't really think that low ass
insult was gonna tear me up did you?

Anyway, now that she is FINALLY gone.
I am now gonna fix the Portal properly
and no-one will have a choice but to like
me! Great plan isn't it?

Microphone P.O.V:

We ,as a group, made our way to HotelOj.
I really didn't think it was a good idea
but no-one actually cared about it. Best
to just... leave it as it is I guess.
My focuse was so deeply in my mind
I thought I was dreaming.
Although, It didn't stop me from seeing was actually getting late
and it was a bit far away so I couldn't
really see it.

"Alright Lightbulb. Go find Baxter and
come back out, okay? Go with Microphone
just incase and make sure she doesn't
steal anything." Said Test Tube, as
she stared at me with an aggressive look
on her face.
"Oh come on. It was one time! Surely
you at least don't think it was totally
MY fault." I complained, rolling my eyes
to the sky.

As we, Lightbulb and I, entered the building, we or just me, got weird
chills running down my entire body.
Sheesh, I hope to get out of here soon.
"Oh Mic! I think this is my room! I'll
not spend much time so you stay right here
alright, Mic-aty Mic!" LightBulb told me before entering the room and leaving me on the hallway.

Y'know... I really wish I had something
to do right now. The memory of me
and Taco up on top of the hotel made
me realise how the possibility of everything
that happened at that time was most
likely fake. But why? I mean- I have my
reasons to my thinking but why would she like me again? To earn my pity?

5mins past. Wow she sure is taking her time.

10mins past. Okay am starting to get worried ...

20 or more minutes past. Noting.
Okay that's it am checking inside.
Oh Shit! The door is locked!
I kicked it, punched it. Nothing
Seemed to work.. shit, something must of happened to her ...

I notice a sound from behind.
LightBulb? No it cant be..
Th others? No! no...
I turn around and spot someone
I thought I've never see again...


600 words is total))))
Even number like that again? Crazy!
Anyway.. I'll check for any mistake later))))))
(Also I know this isn't important but
I fell asleep while writing this...))))))))

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