Chapter 22: the blame is not on me

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Test tube P.O.V:

I know. I know what they'll think.
I can't say where I was but that just makes everyone suspect me.
I saw with my own eyes, a body that belonged to a old contestant from the past.


I felt like I was being pushed down and hit in the stomach. I could feel my head turning and my legs felt wobbly.
I didn't do it I swear! I swear! But...
I couldn't push the words out of my mouth.
The shock from the dead body from the ground was horrible to look at and it made me feel sick. But I couldn't look away, somethings telling me that they didn't just kill her... they ate her. Who EVER it was, they are such a mess... this place looks like they had a wild fight.

"I think we all know who did it." Began Golf ball as she walked back and forth in the dark corridor.
"We get it. You think it's Test tube!"
Fan yelled and grabbed me by the hand.
"Well I completely disagree with you." Fan was gonna pull me away. I... I didn't move. Something about this body, this whole room was odd.

"Who else could of come here!" Tennis ball
said bravely and looking straight at Fan.

"Ugh what's happening- WOW! What happened here!" Said Mephone as he walked in. He looked still half asleep.

"O-oh... Phone guy! You can recover this... object rig-right?" Twos tone was very unsettled and his face was rather... scared.

I looked at Fan, I looked at where the body stood, I looked... at the black stained walls and on the  ground. Did I really do this? Was a the cause of this?

Mephone looked at everyone's face.
They all looked sad yet confused. Even Knife was looking away.
Mephone let out a short sigh and tapped the recovery app. He was gonna revive Taco.

Taco was brought back.
But... she was fighting the air. Kicking, punching, shaking. Her screams filled the room and her breathing was loud and heavy. Some tears were dropping and I had to do something to calm her.
"Taco! What's going on? Calm down!" I screamed at her but she wasn't listening.
The mute waterdrop came to my side and hold Taco still. When she finally decided to open her eyes, she gasped loudly and tears flooded her face. Her breathing slowly calmed down and she stopped her fists and legs from fighting.

"I-I.... Ta- eight? Ate me?" Tacos was stuttering, word after word and the sadness filled her every word.

"We need you to tell us what happened. Can you tell us?" Mephone said, surprisingly in my opinion.

I looked deep into her eyes.
When my eyes finally decided to concentrate fully, I could almost see different images on her pupil?
How was this possible? Am I hallucinating?

Taco kept her mouth shut. As much as we tryed, she wouldn't even mutter a single word.
All I know is that in my opinion, she definitely knows. Knows-.

510 words!!!)))
Wasn't that long but whatever))))

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