Chapter 36: Not dreaming

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(swearing      Blood)

Tes tube P.O.V:

Lightbulb and I have been wondering
around this cave for... 1 hour, 19minutes and 34 seconds exact. I started to become
Uneasy as dreams don't usually last very long. Or at least, for the person having it.

Okay... If am gonna stay here any longer,
I might as well just interact with dream
"Sooooo... how's it going? How long have
you been here?" I questioned. Golly.. out
of all the questions.. I mean- it's literally
a dream! Of course she has been here
as long as I have. I can't believe I asked-
"Oh hmmm... I don't know how
long I've been here! I guess long enough
for me to have an excuse to gobble you up
haha!" Dream Lightbulb joked. Not
the answer I expected but hey! It's
LightBulb! Most importantly dream Lightbulb! In any universe she will
always be silly.


Well except for those fanfictions
Fan reads.

"Hey! Look! Fresh air! And hey look!
A giant Taco holding Knife and Microphone!" Lightbulb said, really
I looked where she was pointing at and
And she has hostages?!
"Let me go you dry ass dirty bitch!" Knife screamed. His attitude is definitely gonna get him killed one day.. heck that day
could even be right now!!
Microphone stayed quite. My guess would be from shock.
Luckily, I could tell this Taco was blind!
How? Well first off.. She has no fucking eyes. Dam this appirences of hers sure is..
Something. As long as we don't say a
word we should be fi-

"Heya Taco! Wait.. I do not
remember you being so tall. Are you
stealing some off Nickels height? Or maybe even... AH! My Height?! Could explain
why I haven't grown-"
I closed Lightbulbs mouth and ran for my life! I looked around for one second..
As I run as fast as I can, I heard a slashing
sound. My guess was it was probably Knife... BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER!

I run to the outside and felt the air smack against me. Jesus Christ! What a nightmare am I right?....
"Omga... Test tube you saved me! But
wait a second... what if it just wanted
friends and we just ran away because of its looks?! OOHH I don't like feeling guilty!"
Said Lightbulb panicking a little.

"Why haven't I woken up already...?"

"H-huh? Whatcha mean glass girl?"

"I'm supposed to be awake... My alarm
must have turned off or something.."

"Oh silly green glass. This isn't a dream!
It's reality!"


I looked at her. Sh- she can't be serious..
Ha.. she can't be-

"Wow, shocker..! Really Test tube?
Just realized that?" Said a voice from behind. Sounds familiar..
And of course... It was knife.

"What..? No. No.. NO I am asleep.
I went to bed. Put on a alarm. And fell
asleep." I explained. The two others
Looked at eachother.

"Test tube... This is reality, sadly."
Microphone said softly, coming out of the cave.

"No. NO! I can proof it! First of all..
How were you two able to escape evil
big Taco? Haha!" I said, forcing a laugh.

"Simple. I cut of her hand and then cut off
the other one to free Mic." Knife simply said. Huh... Guess that explains the blood on his head... Wait how did I only notice

"Don't worry gal pal! We are gonna
deal with this together!
We should first head to the Hotel...
I miss Baxter!" Lightbulb said cheerfully.

How THE FUCK am I supposed to just
accept this? HOW?!
Though.. I cannot break at this..
I have to keep it together. Don't want
my anger to take the better of me...

627 words!!!!))))
Uneven number... Really??
Also reminds me how close to the end we're
Getting... Goodbye!))))

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