Chapter 23: opening up

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(I know this is off topic but I.I. ep15 is definitely the best one so far)


As Taco kept quiet. The objects decided
it was best to investigate the place.
They made uneven groups to search the place but some contestants left the place either due to the limited space or uncomfortable with the idea of investigating the place (Also others didn't come cuz they aren't bothered).
Suitcase invited Ballon to search and Lightbulb, paintbrush and fan made a team too. Fan had the desire to invite Test tube but because of the high suspicion, she had to go to another room for questioning.

When no-one was paying attention,
(I.I.) Taco went to the rooftop to clear her mind. As she was the only one to know the truth about the incident. She knows it would be much more helpful if she
just 'said' it, but she has her reasons to
keep quiet.

While (I.I.) Tacos attention was busy,
footsteps came closer and closer towards her. She start to hear it but her mind
told her it's best to ignore it. The footsteps were soft as if the thing was on its tip-toes,
trying not to be noticed. They sounded awfully familiar like she had heard them not long ago.
As she could feel their presence just 1 feet
away, Taco could feel them reaching their hand toward her.

"Your not the best at being sneaky. Just
tell me what you want Mic." Says Taco.

"I-... I wanted to know why you
went away." Admitted Microphone stuttering.


"Why are you like this?" Mic sighed.

"Why aren't you mad at me?"


"Why are you speaking normally?
Why aren't you annoyed with my sudden presence here?" Tacos tone sounded sad.

Microphone said nothing and just stared at her. She had no words for it, Mic wasn't pleased with this question. She had no idea how to answer it but she felt like Taco had
a point.

"... can you tell me what happened?
I really appreciate if you at least told me
why you would keep quiet."Microphone said with a soft gaze, looking up at the sky.

"You won't believe me... no-one would."
Began Taco.

"That's not true! I just- want to know.."
Mic said, slightly raising her voice

".... the portal... it- it send me a deadly
... beast..." said Taco, lowering her gaze as her voice cracked a bit.
"I went to the room were I remembered
seeing a specific sheet that for some reason... had a list for making a
recovery senter.
Slowly, I could feel the ground under me
shake. It only got worst and things started falling. I-... I couldn't believe what I saw after..."

"WHAT DID YOU SEE?!" Mic said curious.


"Sorry..." Microphone apologized.

"... I saw a green portal open up.
And walking out of it was a... Taco.
I kind of looked like... me... it just had blood covering it, bruises and scratches all over her and ... her eye was cut and she looked like she had been in many fights that risked her life. Without hesitation, she attacked me. This other... messed up me slashed me on the on the right part of my body and
began opening her big mouth... it smelled like rotten flesh mixed with blood! I tried
to punch her but she just bit my arm...
I tried, I really did but... she ripped my
eye out with her bare hands and tackled me to the floor. That's when I felt the worst pain in my body. I could feel a broken sharp shelf impale my body! The last thing I remember before death was her
giggling while eating my head..."
Taco finished explaining her story and looked up at Microphone. Her face was with pure horror and shock.

Taco remember the feeling of the pain and jerked out a little. It felt disgusting and terrible at worst but she didn't cry.

"I... am sorry.." Microphone let out.

"No... I am. I shouldn't of treated you like that." Taco sighed softly.

Microphone looked at her, forgivingly.
"We can always start over."
With this said Taco quickly hugged her and the sun started to fall. As the wind passed by, it became really quiet and peaceful.

(708 WORDS))))And no I do not ship them it's just friendship okay?)))

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(708 WORDS))))
And no I do not ship them it's just friendship okay?)))

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