Chapter 5: But where would they stay?

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"Wait so you two are also hosts?"
Mephone said shocked.

"Well yeah. We finished our show,
not to long ago though." Said Four

"Oh...okay, cool. Hope you don't
mind me asking but... where will
we stay for the time being." Mephone
Asked only to get a useless and hopeless

"Huh?" The blue and yellow figure looked at him and then to eachother, confused.

"Oh don't worry about that my friend!"
A voice spoke in the distance, "I know exactly where you can all stay."

(Two looks so silly in this picture)

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(Two looks so silly in this picture)

"Here, right here in this huge hotel I definitely didn't just create!" Two cheered.

The Hotel was pretty big and had a fair amount of windows on it. It was very pinkish purple. "In my opinion, the awesome pool on the very top of the building is the best part!" Two happily said in a joyful tone.

"Wait, wait, wait... There's a fricking
pool there?!" Yang screamed. In less than a second, almost every single contestant
ran to get their stuff for the pool event.
One after the other, they jumped in the pool.

"Wait, did I even add water?" Two questioned himself, thinking.
"OWW!" A contestant yelled.
"That didn't sound like a no. Anyway-."
Two was about to walk off until he got interrupted.
"Hey, disgusting sorry excuse for
a number. There literally is no water
in the pool you added." Four said annoyed
at them clearly.
"Oh, then will you be the one to help
me fill it up to the very top friend?"
"Absolutely not."
The two numbers talked weirdly
and it kinda concerned Mephone.

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