Chapter 17: The Portal

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As the day light hits the ground where the objects were, our lovable number two thought that it will be a great time to have a nice walk around the place. Since it was really early, not many people were around at the time but Two didn't bother to wake them up since there would be no point.

Not that far off, Tennis ball is walking herself towards Golf balls factory but changes directions as soon as she reaches the stairs

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Not that far off, Tennis ball is walking herself towards Golf balls factory but changes directions as soon as she reaches the stairs. Making Tennis ball just waking back and forth.

Two makes his way towards her and is ready to greet Tennis ball but something else came in mind.
"Hi there mate, do you happen to know when the portal is going to get completely fixed? Also, where is Golf ball? Aren't you two always usually together?" Two happily asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh um from what I have seen I believe that GB is close to fixing it but am not entirely sure... and to answer your other question, GB is asleep since she spent most of her time trying to finish with the machine portal." Tennis ball said to two.

Before any other words were spoken by the two, Two spots Mephone getting out of the Hotel rather tired.
"Oh Phone Guy! Hi there! Why the exhausted look on the screen?" Two questioned Mephone.
"Ugh... I couldn't sleep all night cause of the stupid useless objects next door." He responded falling half asleep already.

As the wind got stronger and stronger, bits of water started to fall from the sky, falling on everything around them. As the rain got heavier, so did the wind. It was enough to push any small object around like Teardrop of box. Guess it's best for them to stay in doors.

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