Chapter 13: Don't worry about it

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(This may contain a bit of OJ X Paper))

Paper P.O.V:

I sure got lucky with the pair ups. I mean, I got OJ! My best friend. In fact, I should be really grateful, as some didn't get so fortunate with the roommates.
"Hey OJ! What's up?"
"Gas prices."
"Sorry, am just... worried. I mean, who's gonna take care of the hotel while am in a different Universe? What if the hotel gets robbed while am gone? Worse, bombed!" OJ said, clearly stressed.

"Calm down, OJ. Am sure everything is gonna be just fine and the hotel will be exactly how we left it when we get back." I say to him, patting his back for comfort to relax him out of his stress.

"But Paper, how can you be so sure?"
"Am not! But let's just believe in hope, okay?"

OJ sighed and looked back at me.
"Okay... I hope your right. I would have more faith in your words." OJ softly smiled.
His smile warmed my heart and it made me blush a little.

His smile warmed my heart and it made me blush a little

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(Oh my god................ gay people)

"Sorry to interrupt this wholesome moment  but... I need your help with something." The person at the door startled us completely. Making us both jump a bit but we calmed down when we looked at the person standing. It was Mephone.

"You could of knocked you know? Stupid rectangular cookie monster." OJ said angry and mumbled the last part but Mephone surprisingly heard it loud and clear.

"Don't be angry! Not like you were both kissing or anything. Ugly Mango juice." Mephone said.
"Am not a Mango juice!" OJ yelled at him, getting up,"whatever, what do you even want?"
"All I wanted to know was if you guys knew who the person with the question marks were!" Mephone complained, rolling his eyes to the ceiling, refusing to look at me or OJ.
"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask him.
"The person put right after my name. Duh."
"But isn't that just no-one?" OJ questioned him.
"That's what I thought until I asked Two about it! Apparently that is someone but he doesn't want to tell me because he doesn't know for sure if it's safe to put my name next to someone I didn't even know!"
Mephone explained.
"Huh? What do you mean?" We both ask him.
"Well... how do I put this.... Apparently he met the other Taco from my show and he doesn't know if I know her or not."


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