Chapter 35: Lack of sleep

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Test tube P.O.V:

It was early in the morning and I just had
finished eating breakfast. I went down the hallway, going straight to my room.
Golly jee, that jeeb Weezer's handwriting
sure is something else... something like...
Hmmm, Like a five years old handwriting.
I wish I was joking but I wasn't.
I can't completely blame her though,
she does write with her feet.

As I opened the door to my room,
I remembered how often Fan would visit me. I mean- Fan and I were really
trying our best to get back to our world..

I picked up the piece of paper I left in
my desk. "How to make a recovery senter".
....I wish I didn't have to look at this horrendous writing every day but I have
no choice...haha.
I sat on my chair, reading it carefully
and slowly but I kept zoning out. Ugh...
I can't let this stop me though! I have
a long way to-


Who the fuck opened my door so
"Why THE FUCK didn't you tell me you had the Paper? WHY ARE YOU EVEN LIKE THIS? " Golf ball stood at my door, clearly pissed off. Although, I really couldn't care less and besides.. I have way more important things to deal with.

"Answer. My. Question... NOW!" She yelled again. Golly jee... Such a bossy boss!
I don't have time for her!
She went nearer to me.
"I don't know why I don't just BANNED you from ever coming to my factory! I really don't know why!" Golf ball protested and
Complained SO. MUCH.
"Y'know, it's YOUR FAULT why we are all in this situation." As soon I heard that I could feel my blood boil with rage.

"Correct me if am wrong but... Did you
just say it was... My fault? My FUCKING
fault?! Sounds like absolute SHIT coming from someone who literally IS THE REASON why we were and are here in the first place." I said, with an aggressive tone.
"YOU KNOW WHAT? I think you
should really be put on your place!"
I have to get ahold of myself.
"I think you should stop trying to be
a smartass. Because even YOU know
how MUCH everyone hates you!"
I really need to stop before-
"HAHA! Am actually surprised you, a total bossy little shit, even know something!"


Maybe I went to far with this. Man, my
lack of sleep and workaholic is really getting to me...
I hope Golf ball can forgive me though.. I hope she can understand I didn't mean it.

I look at her in the eyes. Shit, their moist.
"My fault? MY fault..?! I-I cannot
believe I even worked with you! You
Cruel shit! I-..." Golf ball did not finish her sentence. Instead, she walked out of the room with her face slightly down.
Shit what have I done..?
I really need some rest. Maybe just 2 hours
Or so of sleep?

After putting on an alarm to wake me up
In exactly 2 hours and a half, I just layed their thinking about how maybe if I just...
I don't know... not mess with the Portal thingy...? I mean- for all I know Fan could be in trouble! It's.. it's fine though. I
have all the information I need. All
I need now is just sometime.


Just a little more time and everything
will be back to normal.

I wake up. Yet not in bed but in this rocky
place. Hmmm, this looks familiar..
Is this-? Nah it can't be... I bet its all
a dream since I can't be here already!
I was just in bed..! Yeah just a little silly old dream Test tube... Just a silly old dream..
Until, I heard a horrible scream that caught me off guard.
"AUGHHH!" It came from.. that way maybe?
Or was it that way..?
Hey look! It's dream Lightbulb!
I waved at her and she seemed really shocked.
"Omga! Your- your here! My green
bestie is actually here! Woohoo!!!"
LightBulb did a little jump and hugged me.
"Golly jee! You seem very happy!"
I said, as she squeezed me tight.
"Of course am happy! You smartie little self
is here in the... Glass?? Well whatever,
we could really use your smart girl power
to get back!" Lightbulb cheered.
She grabbed my hand and started leading me somewhere.
"Hold on.. who's we? Also where are you
even taking me?" I said really confused,
pulling my hand away.
"Omga! You really don't remember?
Y'know.. the objects brought inside the portal after you activated it." She made it sound like it was so obvious. And I don't like it.
"Well what are you waiting for?
Let's go green girl!" Lightbulb said,
somehow already far away. Welp..
just gotta wait till this dream finishes I guess..

800 WORDS EXACTLY!!!!))))
How even is that??? Well next chapter
Will MAYBE come out tomorrow or in
2 days... Maybe ...

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