Author Note - Please Read!

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Hello again! I'm sorry about not writing as much as I initially wanted to, I ended up being really busy, and my birthday is coming up so I'm planning on that as well!

I thought to myself over time, I really love this story, and I love how much attention it has gotten.
Thank you so much for sticking with me and reading this, it means a lot to me!

But I'm going to rewrite this story.

I'm sorry this is all sudden, I just just feel like I could write a better story for my favorite ship, PureCacao.
As for me being a young writer I just want to write something that makes me happy, and this does make me happy, I just want to try a few other things to try and get better.
I hope you guys understand.

Before I go, I wrote a short story on google docs due to boredom, so here! :)

Healed sorrows
           (A Cookie Run: Kingdom bond story between Dark Cacao Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie)

The sounds of whispering winds flew through the tundra, the cold snow as soft as clouds, and the peaceful aroma surrounding everything. It was calm, which was very rare for the Dark Cacao Kingdom, it hasn't been this calm in years. Oddly enough, it felt too peaceful, the silence had felt too loud. It was disturbing, concerning even. Maybe it was just that kind of day in the Dark Cacao Kingdom...

The king has been off somewhere else for quite some time, he hasn't been outside in quite a while, yet he hasn't been in the citadel since this morning. The watchers have been wondering where he had gone, but nonetheless they leave him be, for he is their king after all, sometimes kings need breaks too, even if he wasn't known for taking any.

Deep in the calm forests was the king, and another cookie. One had a gentle and warm nature, like a warm summer day with a warm breeze. The other was cold and stubborn, their heart cold as ice, or as said by many. They were known as close friends, friends who could depend on each other no matter what, friends who knew each other all too well. They understood each other, having their small chats... they had always enjoyed each other's company greatly, one would even feel lonely without the other.

Even if they were the complete opposite, they both bought the best out of each other, they would never change their friendship for anything else. Not ever.

The two, close together, both keeping each other warm. The king's cape was wrapped around the other, which the other was very much grateful for. Both exchanged warm smiles, the warmth seeming to never fade, it was truly a peaceful moment, a moment neither of them would forget.



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