Quirk Drawbacks

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After Kaminari shocks Bakugou into blowing up the couch in the common room, Class A forbids him from using his quirk outside of hero training, especially in the dorms. Excess electricity builds up in Kaminari's body, causing problems he tries to hide from his friends.




Kaminari knows his friends and classmates don't fully understand his struggles because of his quirk, mainly because he has yet to tell them. Why would he? They, unfortunately, found out about his whey mode and mercilessly mocked him for it. Still, Kaminari can't blame them because how can they know their words hurt, or he struggles more than he lets on if he never tells them? Even if he never voices it, their assumptions that he's an idiot or doesn't put effort into anything chip away at his sanity every day. He tries, probably more than any of his classmates, but he never does as well.

He's not jealous or angry at his classmates' success, but he would like them to walk one day in his shoes. Go through one day with their brain not working correctly, where constant energy is thrumming through their body, disrupting everything, and everyone around talks down to you.

Kaminari knows he's not the most competent person in the room, but neither is he the dumbest. He's gotten used to living with his ADHD and quirk-related energy expulsion. He has ways of working around his issues, such as stimming or expelling small amounts of electricity throughout the day so it doesn't build up to a dangerous level. He's never told anyone, not even Mr. Aizawa, about his second quirk drawback. One was enough to make his classmates treat him like a joke. Kaminari can't imagine the looks he'd receive or the jokes people would make if they found out he couldn't control his quirk enough to stop excess energy from building up, so he has to get rid of it through the day in small ways.

He's never told anyone before because it was never an issue. There was never a moment where Kaminari could not get rid of his energy as needed. Now, he wishes he had said something.

It's mandatory movie night for class 1-A, and they are forcing Bakugou to attend.

It is Tokoyami's turn to pick, so the class watches some scary movies. Kaminari pays little attention. He doesn't care much about scary movies, and Bakugou's soft hair keeps his attention away. Unable to control his impulse, he reaches forward and slides his hand into the silky strands. Bakugou stiffens, and Kaminari thinks he's dead, but Bakugou relaxes and turns his body toward Kaminari. Kaminari inwardly cheers and happily plays with Bakugou's hair. One hand stays in Bakugou's hair, and Kaminari uses the other to let small jolts of electricity jump from finger to finger to release pressure in his body.

The problem arises when a jump scare with a loud screech startles Kaminari out of his zone out, making him shock Bakugou harshly. Bakugou yelps but will forever deny it and lets out a large explosion. The couch starts to smoke, and Todoroki jumps into action. He covers the smoking area of the sofa with a sheen of ice.

Iida turns to Bakugou disapprovingly. "Bakugou, we've already talked about exploding things outside class."

"Wow, Bakubro, if you're scared of scary movies, you should have said something," Sero comments.


Iida's 'dad glare' is turned on Kaminari next. Kaminari ducks his head to hide his guilty expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I wasn't paying attention, and the jump scare startled me too badly. Did I hurt you?"

Bakugou scoffs. "Of course, you didn't. You can't hurt me. I didn't want your shitty quirk messing up my hair."

Kaminari glances up and snorts at how Bakugou's hair is sticking out more than usual from the electricity. "This is no laughing matter, Kaminari. You are always "not paying attention." You need to do better if you want to be a hero. Will zoning out and ignoring what's around you help you as a hero? No, it will just get you or someone else hurt. You already need to have a better handle on your quirk. You can't afford to do anything to make it worse. I speak for everyone here when I say we only want you using your quirk outside of hero training once you can control it better. We've all talked about it and decided enough is enough. Your lack of control is causing damage in the dorms. There are only so many times we can deal with you blowing the power in the building out or random shocks. "

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