Your Handwriting On My Heart

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Aizawa is in love with his best friend. He writes anonymous love notes to Mic during the week leading up to Valentine's Day, intending to write a confession letter the day of, but he chickens out. Midnight doesn't get the memo and gives Mic the letter.




 Aizawa is going to die. There is absolutely no chance of him surviving the situation he’s in. His heart is beating so fast that it is going to jump out of his chest if it doesn’t calm down. 

 Mic is leaning on him, one of his arms tossed over Aizawa’s shoulder and his face in Aizawa’s neck. Aizawa’s skin tingles with every one of Mic’s exhales. 

 Aizawa is going to lose his mind if he doesn’t get away from Mic ASAP. Mic’s eyelashes are so pretty up close, and his lips are plump and inviting. It’s taking all of Aizawa’s self-control not to kiss him. 

 He can’t get away because Mic got the shit beat out of him during their heroics class and can’t walk on his own. His legs are fine; it’s his head that is the problem. His head bounced off the ground so hard he saw stars after his sparring partner kicked him across the room. 

 Mic shifts closer to Aizawa, whining about being dizzy. One of his hands grasp at the front of Aizawa's shirt to keep his balance. The collar of Aizawa's shirt stretches, but he doesn't berate Mic for the action. He can't. Not when Mic is barely conscious and not in control of his actions. 

 Aizawa stops in the middle of the hallway to compose himself. He’s fine. He is. Mic has been this close before. Mic hugs him every day, sometimes multiple times. They’ve even shared a bed when they’ve had sleepovers. 

 The problem is that they’ve never been this close since Aizawa realized the meaning of the swooping feeling in his stomach whenever Mic smiles at him. It means he’s in fucking love!

It’s just Aizawa’s luck that he’d fall for the one person he can’t have. Mic is unattainable. He likes Aizwa back unless all of his flirting is nothing more than a joke. However, Aizawa can’t confess. 

They like each other now, but what if that changes in the future? If they date and break up, will it ruin their friendship? Aizawa could potentially lose the best friend he’s ever had because he couldn’t get over a slight crush. 

But what if they don’t break up and spend the rest of their lives with their true love? There’s no way to know unless they try. 

Aizawa glances at Mic. He’s so pretty it’s unfair. No one should look like a model after getting pummeled, but Mic pulls off the bruises and bloody lip. 

Aizawa yearns to throw caution to the wind and place his heart in Mic’s hands. He wants it more than becoming a hero. Is the threat of a fallout worth missing out on something that could be great? 

That question is easily answered. 

Mic’s first instinct when he wakes up from his brief nap after Recovery Girl heals him is to look for Aizawa. His eyes flick around the room until they land on Aizawa in the chair beside the hospital bed. 

“Hey,” he slurs. 

“Hello, yourself.” 

“What are you doing here?” 

“I’m making sure your dumbass is okay.” 

“You always do that.” 

“You always get injured.”

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